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دانلود کتاب The Basic Income Distribution System of China (China Governance System Research Series)

دانلود کتاب سیستم توزیع پایه درآمد چین (مجموعه تحقیقات سیستم حکومت داری چین)

The Basic Income Distribution System of China (China Governance System Research Series)

مشخصات کتاب

The Basic Income Distribution System of China (China Governance System Research Series)

نویسندگان: , ,   
ISBN (شابک) : 9811534608, 9789811534607 
ناشر: Springer 
سال نشر: 2020 
تعداد صفحات: 189
زبان: English 
فرمت فایل : PDF (درصورت درخواست کاربر به PDF، EPUB یا AZW3 تبدیل می شود) 
حجم فایل: 3 Mb 

قیمت کتاب (تومان) : 28,000

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       تعداد امتیاز دهندگان : 1

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توجه داشته باشید کتاب سیستم توزیع پایه درآمد چین (مجموعه تحقیقات سیستم حکومت داری چین) نسخه زبان اصلی می باشد و کتاب ترجمه شده به فارسی نمی باشد. وبسایت اینترنشنال لایبرری ارائه دهنده کتاب های زبان اصلی می باشد و هیچ گونه کتاب ترجمه شده یا نوشته شده به فارسی را ارائه نمی دهد.

توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب سیستم توزیع پایه درآمد چین (مجموعه تحقیقات سیستم حکومت داری چین)

هدف این کتاب توضیح و بررسی مکانیسم توزیع اتخاذ شده توسط چین است که توزیع را بر اساس عملکرد و در عین حال در نظر گرفتن عوامل تولید اولویت بندی می کند. این سازوکار در چارچوب اقتصاد بازارمحور کنونی طراحی شده است، اما مشکلاتی مانند افزایش شکاف درآمدی در بین شهروندان را نیز به دنبال دارد. علاوه بر خدمت به رشد اقتصادی، نویسندگان موازنه کردن منافع از طریق سیاست‌های بین گروه‌های مختلف را به عنوان یکی از نقش‌های کلیدی برای سیستم توزیع پیشنهاد کردند که ممکن است روند افزایش شکاف درآمدی را کند یا حتی متوقف کند. و نویسندگان نیز اقدامات احتمالی را برای این منظور ارائه کردند.

توضیحاتی درمورد کتاب به خارجی

This book aims to explain and explore the distribution mechanism adopted by China, which prioritizes distribution according to performance while taking factors of production into consideration. This mechanism is designed in the context of current market-oriented economy, but it also leads to problems such as the widening income gap among the citizens. Besides serving for economic growth, the authors proposed balancing the interests through policies among different groups as one of the key role for distribution system, which may slow down or even stop the trend of widening income gap. And the authors also provided possible measures for this purpose.

فهرست مطالب

Series Preface
1 The Theoretical and Institutional Evolution of Marxist Political Economy on Distribution
	1 Basic Thought of Classical Marxist Writers on Income Distribution
		1.1 Marx’s Basic Principle of Income Distribution
		1.2 Two Stages of Communism
		1.3 “Distribution According to Work” at the First Stage of Communism
		1.4 “Distribution According to Needs” at the Advanced Stage of Communism
	2 The Exploration of Soviet Union on Income Distribution System in Socialist Construction
		2.1 Theory Development of Lenin, Stalin Concerning Distribution According to Work
		2.2 The Distribution System and Distribution Pattern in the Planned Economic Period of the Soviet Union
	3 Exploration of Socialist Distribution System After the Founding of the PRC
		3.1 Proportional Relation Between Accumulation and Consumption and the Development of Pooling Principle
		3.2 Distribution According to Work and Wage Scale System
		3.3 Opposite Material Incentive and Practical Equalitarianism in Distribution Field
	4 Exploration of the Socialist Income Distribution System Since the Reform and Opening-Up
		4.1 Re-establish Distribution According to Work as the Socialist Distribution Principle
		4.2 Distribution According to Work Playing Dominant Role with the Existence of Multiple Distribution Forms
		4.3 Distribution According to Work and Distribution According to Productive Factors
		4.4 Scientific Outlook on Development and Sharing Economy Idea
2 Theoretical Review on Income Distribution in Western Economics
	1 Income Distribution Ideology of Classical Economics
		1.1 Economic Structure During the 17th and 18th Century
		1.2 William Petty’s Theory of Distribution
		1.3 Adam Smith’s Theory of Distribution
		1.4 David Ricardo’s Theory of Distribution
	2 The Neoclassical Theory of Distribution
		2.1 Marshall’s Theory of Distribution
		2.2 Keynesian Theory of Distribution
	3 Theoretical Study of Western Economics on Income Distribution After World War II
		3.1 The Theory of Distribution of Structuralist School
		3.2 Neoclassical School’s Theory of Distribution
		3.3 Neoliberalism’s Theory of Distribution
3 Primary Distribution and Macro Distribution Patterns of National Income
	1 The Evolution of Income Distribution System
		1.1 The Necessity to Reform Low Efficiency Distribution System
		1.2 Development of Primary Distribution System
		1.3 The Evolution of Redistribution System
		1.4 The System for Regulating Income Gap
		1.5 Adjustment of Macro Distribution Pattern
	2 Overall Trend of Resident Income Distribution Status Since the Reform and Opening Up
		2.1 The Change Trend of Gini Coefficient
		2.2 Change Trend of Social Structure
		2.3 The Reason of Large Resident Income Gap
	3 Difference in the Macro Distribution Pattern Between Urban and Rural Areas, Between Regions and Between Industries
		3.1 Analysis of Income Gap Between Urban and Rural Areas
		3.2 Analysis of Income Gap Between Regions
		3.3 Analysis of Income Gap Between Industries
	4 Analysis of the Change Trend of Labor Remuneration in the Distribution of National Income
		4.1 Changes in the Primary Income Distribution Pattern of Three Subjects
		4.2 Changes in the Distribution Pattern of Disposable Income of Three Subjects
		4.3 Changes in the Proportion of Labor Remuneration in National Income
4 Redistribution of National Income
	1 Redistribution of Income and Its Policy Framework
		1.1 Redistribution of National Income in Marxian Economics
		1.2 Redistribution of Income in Western Economics
		1.3 Changes of Income Redistribution Policy in China
	2 Taxation and Redistribution of Income
		2.1 Taxation and Redistribution of Income
		2.2 Evolution and Main Features of China’s Taxation System
		2.3 The Income Redistribution Effect of Tax in China
		2.4 Tax Policy for Redistribution of Income
	3 Redistribution of Income Through Public Spending
		3.1 Income Redistribution Effect of Public Spending
		3.2 Public Spending, Transfer Payment and Supply of Public Goods in China
		3.3 Income Redistribution Effect of Public Spending
	4 Social Insurance System and Redistribution of Income
		4.1 Social Insurance and Its Redistribution Effect
		4.2 The Social Insurance System in China
		4.3 Characteristics and Income Redistribution Effect of the Social Insurance System in China
	5 Suggestions for Improving Income Redistribution Policy
5 New Concepts, New Ideas of Shared Development
	1 New Concept of Shared Development
		1.1 Staged Goals of Economic Development
		1.2 The Concept of Shared Development
		1.3 Necessity of Shared Development
	2 New Ideas of Primary Distribution Under the Shared Development Concept
		2.1 The Impact of Minimum Wage System on the Increase in Labor Remuneration
		2.2 The Impact of Increase in Labor Productivity and Human Capital on the Increase in Labor Remuneration
		2.3 The Role of Development Policies for Narrowing Regional Disparity
		2.4 The Role of Industrial Development Policies in Narrowing the Difference Between Urban and Rural Areas
	3 New Ideas of Redistribution Under the Concept of Sharing
		3.1 Social Protection and Social Investment in Human Capital
		3.2 New Ideas of Targeted Poverty Alleviation and Accurate Redistribution
		3.3 Promote the Development of Human Capital Investment Type Service Industry
		3.4 Develop Public Welfare Organization Vigorously
	4 Economic Transformation and New Challenges of Income Distribution Policy
		4.1 New Challenges in Economic Transformation Period
		4.2 The Impact of Economic Transformation on Income Distribution and Policy Adjustment
6 Basic Conclusion and Policy Implications
	Annex: Review of the Discussions and Policies Concerning Income Distribution Since the Reform and Opening Up

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