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دانلود کتاب Full Stack Web Development with Remix: Enhance the user experience and build better React apps by utilizing the web platform

دانلود کتاب توسعه وب Full Stack با Remix: با استفاده از پلتفرم وب، تجربه کاربری را بهبود بخشید و برنامه‌های React بهتر بسازید.

Full Stack Web Development with Remix: Enhance the user experience and build better React apps by utilizing the web platform

مشخصات کتاب

Full Stack Web Development with Remix: Enhance the user experience and build better React apps by utilizing the web platform

ISBN (شابک) : 9781801075299 
ناشر: Packt 
سال نشر: 2023 
تعداد صفحات: 318 
زبان: English 
فرمت فایل : PDF (درصورت درخواست کاربر به PDF، EPUB یا AZW3 تبدیل می شود) 
حجم فایل: 23 Mb 

قیمت کتاب (تومان) : 42,000

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در صورت تبدیل فایل کتاب Full Stack Web Development with Remix: Enhance the user experience and build better React apps by utilizing the web platform به فرمت های PDF، EPUB، AZW3، MOBI و یا DJVU می توانید به پشتیبان اطلاع دهید تا فایل مورد نظر را تبدیل نمایند.

توجه داشته باشید کتاب توسعه وب Full Stack با Remix: با استفاده از پلتفرم وب، تجربه کاربری را بهبود بخشید و برنامه‌های React بهتر بسازید. نسخه زبان اصلی می باشد و کتاب ترجمه شده به فارسی نمی باشد. وبسایت اینترنشنال لایبرری ارائه دهنده کتاب های زبان اصلی می باشد و هیچ گونه کتاب ترجمه شده یا نوشته شده به فارسی را ارائه نمی دهد.

توضیحاتی درمورد کتاب به خارجی

فهرست مطالب

Title page
Copyright and credits
Table of Contents
Part 1 – Getting Started with Remix
Chapter 1: The Era of Full Stack Web Frameworks
	Introducing Remix
		Remix is a web framework
		Remix is a full stack framework
	Understanding the philosophy behind Remix
	Primitives, conventions, and levers
	Remix behind the scenes
		Remix is a compiler
		Remix is a router
		Remix is a runtime
		What Remix is not
	Further reading
Chapter 2: Creating a New Remix App
	Technical requirements
	Creating a “Hello World!” Remix app
	Understanding Remix’s file and folder structure
	Exploring the client and server environments
		The two bundles of your Remix application
		Client and server code
	Troubleshooting Remix applications
		A Remix troubleshooting process
		Looking for answers
	Further reading
Chapter 3: Deployment Targets, Adapters, and Stacks
	Technical requirements
	Picking a deployment target
		Picking a JavaScript runtime
		Picking a hosting environment
		Making the final decision
	Switching between adapters
	Using Remix Stacks
		Working with Remix official stacks
		Working with custom templates
	Working with BeeRich
	Further reading
Chapter 4: Routing in Remix
	Technical requirements
	Working with Remix's route module API
		Route file-naming conventions
		Working with file-based routing
		Creating route modules
		Available route module exports
	Composing pages from nested routes
	Using route parameters for dynamic routing
		Parameterized route segments
	Sharing layouts
		Using parent layout routes
		Using pathless layout routes
	Handling navigations in Remix
		Navigating with Remix’s link components
		Indicating page transitions
		Redirecting a user from the server
	Further reading
Part 2 – Working with Remix and the Web Platform
Chapter 5: Fetching and Mutating Data
	Technical requirements
	Fetching data
		Fetching data at the route level
		Fetching dynamic data in parameterized routes
		Loading data in parallel
	Mutating data
		Mutating data without JavaScript
		Mutating data with JavaScript
	Further reading
Chapter 6: Enhancing the User Experience
	Technical requirements
	Understanding progressive enhancement
		Progressive enhancement in Remix
		Making it work without JavaScript
		Making it worse before making it better
		Testing on slow networks
	Prefetching data
	Working with action data
	Handling concurrent mutations
		Adding a form to a list
		Supporting multiple pending states
	Further reading
Chapter 7: Error Handling in Remix
	Technical requirements
	Dealing with unexpected errors
		Invoking client and server errors
		Handling errors with the root error boundary
		Nested error handling
	Handling thrown responses
		Throwing responses
		Handling exceptions with error boundaries
		Creating a resilient experience
	Handling page-not-found (404) errors
	Further reading
Chapter 8: Session Management
	Technical requirements
	Working with search parameters
		Reading search parameters in loader functions
		Updating search parameters with form submissions
		Programmatically submitting forms
	Creating user sessions with cookies
		Working with Remix’s session helpers
		Adding a user registration flow
		Adding a user login flow
		Deleting a session during logout
	Authenticating access to user data
		Accessing cookie data on the server
		Working with user data on the client
		Enforcing authentication on the server
	Further reading
Chapter 9: Assets and Metadata Handling
	Technical requirements
	Using meta tags in Remix
		Declaring global meta tags
		Exporting the meta function
		Nesting meta exports
		Using loader data in meta functions
		Using matches data in meta functions
	Handling fonts, images, stylesheets, and other assets
		Working with static assets
		Managing links in Remix
		Styling in Remix
		Working with images in Remix
	Exposing assets with loader functions
	Further reading
Chapter 10: Working with File Uploads
	Technical requirements
	Using multi-part form data in Remix
	Processing files on the server
		Loading files into memory
		Using Remix’s upload handler helper functions
		Authorizing access to assets with resource routes
	Forwarding files to third-party services
	Further reading
Part 3 – Advanced Concepts of Full Stack Web Development with Remix
Chapter 11: Optimistic UI
	Technical requirements
	Considering optimistic UI
		Communicating rollbacks
		Synchronizing client and server states
		Synchronizing client and server states in Remix
	Adding optimistic UI updates in Remix
		Creating an expense
		Updating an expense
		Deleting an expense
		Removing an attachment
	Further reading
Chapter 12: Caching Strategies
	Technical requirements
	Working with HTTP caching
		Adding HTTP headers in Remix
		Caching public pages in shared caches
		Understanding Remix’s built-in caching
		Caching personalized pages in private caches
		Caching immutable data responses
		Caching dynamic data responses with entity tags
	Exploring in-memory caching
	Further reading
Chapter 13: Deferring Loader Data
	Technical requirements
	Streaming data to the client
		Motivating server-side data fetching and streaming
		Understanding HTTP streaming requirements
	Deferring loader data
	Further reading
Chapter 14: Real Time with Remix
	Technical requirements
	Working with real-time technologies
		Understanding polling
		Understanding SSE
		Understanding WebSocket
	Building real-time UIs with Remix
	Further reading
Chapter 15: Advanced Session Management
	Technical requirements
	Managing visitor sessions
	Implementing pagination
	Further reading
Chapter 16: Developing for the Edge
	Living on the edge
		Computing at the edge
		Running web apps on the edge
		Remixing the edge
	Understanding the edge’s benefits and limitations
	Further reading
Chapter 17: Migration and Upgrade Strategies
	Migrating to Remix
		Migrating non-React apps to Remix
		Migrating from a React app
		Migrating from React Router
		Working with a backend application
	Keeping Remix apps up to date
	Further reading
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