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دانلود کتاب Sports Marketing: A Global Approach to Theory and Practice

دانلود کتاب بازاریابی ورزشی: رویکردی جهانی به تئوری و عمل

Sports Marketing: A Global Approach to Theory and Practice

مشخصات کتاب

Sports Marketing: A Global Approach to Theory and Practice

دسته بندی: تربیت بدنی
ISBN (شابک) : 3030537390, 9783030537395 
ناشر: Palgrave Macmillan 
سال نشر: 2020 
تعداد صفحات: 306 
زبان: English 
فرمت فایل : PDF (درصورت درخواست کاربر به PDF، EPUB یا AZW3 تبدیل می شود) 
حجم فایل: 4 مگابایت 

قیمت کتاب (تومان) : 50,000

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توجه داشته باشید کتاب بازاریابی ورزشی: رویکردی جهانی به تئوری و عمل نسخه زبان اصلی می باشد و کتاب ترجمه شده به فارسی نمی باشد. وبسایت اینترنشنال لایبرری ارائه دهنده کتاب های زبان اصلی می باشد و هیچ گونه کتاب ترجمه شده یا نوشته شده به فارسی را ارائه نمی دهد.

توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب بازاریابی ورزشی: رویکردی جهانی به تئوری و عمل

ورزش یک تجارت بزرگ است. بیشتر شرکت ها می خواهند به بازارهای جهانی گسترش یابند، برند خود را ارتقا دهند و شرایط بازار متفاوت را درک کنند. این کتاب درسی از دانشجویان بازاریابی ورزشی حمایت می‌کند تا در مورد چالش‌ها و فرصت‌های خاص صنعت ورزش جهانی بیاموزند. از دیدگاه سهامداران مختلف در بخش ورزش، مانند هواداران، دارندگان نهادهای ورزشی، باشگاه ها، حامیان مالی و رسانه های ورزشی نوشته شده است، دیدگاهی جامع از این صنعت در حال تحول و همیشه در حال تغییر ارائه می دهد. این کتاب درسی با اتخاذ رویکردی واقعاً جهانی، به دانش آموزان کمک می کند تا مسائل جاری پیش روی متخصصان بازاریابی ورزشی را درک کنند و در تمام مناطق جهان مرتبط است. این کتاب با تکیه بر سال ها تجربه صنعت و تدریس نویسنده، تئوری و عمل را با مطالعات موردی از جمله کمیته بین المللی المپیک و فیفا ترکیب می کند. مهمتر از همه، این کتاب پوشش جامعی از موضوعات داغ مانند حاکمیت ورزش، بازاریابی دیجیتال، و جهانی شدن محصول ورزشی ارائه می دهد. این کتاب درسی که به سبکی قابل دسترس و همراه با مجموعه کاملی از منابع آنلاین نوشته شده است، برای هر کسی که به دنبال برتری به عنوان یک بازاریاب ورزشی یا پیشرفت در صنعت ورزشی گسترده تر است، ایده آل است. این یک منبع ارزشمند برای دوره های بازاریابی ورزشی در سطوح کارشناسی، کارشناسی ارشد و MBA است.

توضیحاتی درمورد کتاب به خارجی

Sports are big business. Most companies want to expand into global markets, enhance their brand and understand varying market conditions. This textbook supports sports marketing students as they learn about the challenges and opportunities that are specific to the global sports industry. Written from the perspective of different stakeholders in the sports sector, such as fans, sports entity holders, clubs, sponsors and the sports media, it offers a holistic view of this evolving and ever-changing industry. Taking a truly global approach, this textbook helps students understand the current issues facing sports marketing professionals and is relevant across all regions of the world. Drawing on the author’s years of industry and teaching experience, it blends theory and practice with case studies including the International Olympic Committee and FIFA. Crucially, the book provides comprehensive coverage of hot topics such as sports governance, digital marketing, and the globalization of the sports product. Written in an accessible style and accompanied by a full suite of online resources, this textbook is for ideal for anyone looking to excel as a sports marketer or progress within the wider sports industry. It is a valuable resource for Sports Marketing courses at undergraduate, postgraduate and MBA levels.

فهرست مطالب

1: Introduction: The Sports Sector in a Global Context
	1.1 Introduction
	1.2 Sport in the “New Normal”
	1.3 The Global Sports Sector in Context
	1.4 Structure of the Book
	1.5 Chapter by Chapter
		1.5.1	 Chapter Summaries
		1.5.2	 Case Studies
2: Sport and Its Role and Contribution to Society and Economic Development
	2.1	 Introduction
	2.2	 The Meaning, Purpose and Organisation of Sport in Society
		2.2.1	 Defining the Concept of Sport
		2.2.2	 Exercise
		2.2.3	 The Purpose and Value of Sport in Society
		2.2.4	 Exercise
		2.2.5	 Evolution and Organisation of Sport
	2.3	 Government Attitudes and Policies Across Geographic Regions
	2.4	 Sport and Culture
	2.5	 The Role of Funding in Sports Development
	2.6	 Funding for Sports at the Elite End of the Spectrum
	2.7	 Sports Tourism and Its Contribution to Economic Development
		2.7.1	 City-Based Branding
	2.8	 Bidding for and Staging Major Sports Events
		2.8.1	 Benefits of Staging Mega Sporting Events
		2.8.2	 Legacy
		2.8.3	 Image Change
		2.8.4	 Cost Overruns
		2.8.5	 Understating Costs
		2.8.6	 Overstating Economic Benefits
		2.8.7	 The White Elephant Effect
		2.8.8	 No Real Supporting Evidence to Support the Perceived Benefits
	2.9	 Criteria Used to Assess Bid Submissions for Mega and Major Sports Events
		2.9.1	 Vital Factors
		2.9.2	 Supporting Factors
		2.9.3	 Bidding and Hosting Mega Events: Losing Its Appeal
	2.10 Conclusions
3: Sports Governance
	3.1	 Introduction
	3.2	 Governance Defined
	3.3	 Governance in the Context of the Sports Sector
	3.4	 Role and Remit of Sports Governance
		3.4.1	 Exercise
	3.5	 Characteristics of Sports Organisations
	3.6	 Key Criteria for Effective Sports Governance
		3.6.1	 Accountability, Transparency and Independent Monitoring
		3.6.2	 Exercise
		3.6.3	 Transparency
	3.7	 Global Perspectives on the Governance of Sport
		3.7.1	 The Changing Influence of Anglo/American and European Cultures on Sport Globally
		3.7.2	 Impact of Different Cultures and Behaviours on Sports Governance
		3.7.3	 The Legal Response
		3.7.4	 Exercise
	3.8	 A Framework for Effective Governance
	3.9	 Conclusions
4: Understanding Fans and Their Consumption of Sport
	4.1 Introduction
	4.2 The Concept of Fandom
		4.2.1	 Fans and Fandom Defined
		4.2.2	 Fandom Characteristics
		4.2.3	 Fans as Consumers
	4.3 Fan Typologies
	4.4 Fan Motivations
	4.5 Fans and Affiliation
	4.6 Dysfunctional Fan Behaviour
	4.7 Fans and Their Consumption of Sport
		4.7.1	 Change in Direction and Focus
		4.7.2	 Connectedness
		4.7.3	 Empowerment
		4.7.4	 Drive for Enhancements and Data
	4.8 Second Screening
	4.9 Big Data and How Fans Engage with It
	4.10 The Fan Going Forward
		4.10.1	 Key Drivers and Trends An augmented and enhanced viewing experience The proactive fan The 24/7 fan Goodbye to ordinary: hello to luxury
	4.11 Conclusions
5: Sports Distribution and Media Rights
	5.1 Introduction
	5.2 The Scale and Scope of Sports Media Rights
		5.2.1	 The Global Sports Media Rights Market
	5.3 Trends and Developments in Sports Media Rights
		5.3.1	 Emergence of Subscription-Based TV Channels
		5.3.2	 Exercise
		5.3.3	 Shifts in the Wind
		5.3.4	 Further Straws in the Wind
	5.4 OTT
		5.4.1	 Advantages of OTT Operators
		5.4.2	 Disadvantages with OTT Operators
		5.4.3	 OTT and Niche Sports	 Exercise
	5.5 The Arrival of the Faangs
	5.6 Business Models for Selling Sports Media Rights
		5.6.1	 Exercise
	5.7 Live Streaming: Boom or Bust?
	5.8 Protected Events
	5.9 Piracy
	5.10 Periscope and Meerkat (and Others)
	5.11 Protecting Sports Media Rights: Legal Responses and Actions
		5.11.1	 Geo-Blocking
		5.11.2	 Exercise
	5.12 Conclusions
6: Formulating and Implementing Sports Marketing Strategy
	6.1 Introduction
	6.2 Placing Strategy in Context
		6.2.1	 Strategy Defined
		6.2.2	 Benefits and Limitations of Strategy Development and Formulation
	6.3 The Relationship Between Marketing and the Strategic Planning Process
	6.4 The Strategic Market Planning Process
		6.4.1	 Mission and Values of the Organisation
		6.4.2	 Mission Statements
	6.5 Analysis of the Business Environment
	6.6 Pestel Analysis and Appraisal
		6.6.1	 Political Environment
		6.6.2	 Exercise
		6.6.3	 Economic Environment
		6.6.4	 Social Environment
		6.6.5	 Technological Environment
		6.6.6	 Environmental Issues
		6.6.7	 Legal Environment
	6.7 SWOT Analysis
	6.8 Competitive Positioning
	6.9 Developing the Core Marketing Strategy
	6.10 Evaluation and Control
		6.10.1	 Exercise
	6.11 Conclusions
7: Ticketing Strategies in the Sports Sector
	7.1 Introduction
	7.2 Pricing in Context
	7.3 Pricing in the Services Sector
	7.4 Understanding the Concept of Price
		7.4.1 Value Defined
		7.4.2 Value Drivers and the Value Triad
	7.5 Approaches to Pricing Within the Services Sector
		7.5.1 Cost-Based Approaches
		7.5.2 Competition-Based Pricing
		7.5.3 Demand-Based Pricing
	7.6 Ticketing in the Context of the Sports Sector
		7.6.1 Characteristics of the Sports Sector and Implications for Ticketing Strategy
		7.6.2 Sports Economics
		7.6.3 Fan Loyalty and Behaviour
	7.7 The Evolution to Ticketing Strategies Based on Demand and Value
		7.7.1 Location-Based Ticketing
		7.7.2 Variable Ticket Pricing
		7.7.3 Bundling Strategies
		7.7.4 Exercise
	7.8 Other Discriminatory Pricing Tools and Techniques
		7.8.1 Product Line Pricing
		7.8.2 Premium Pricing
		7.8.3 Life-Cycle Pricing
		7.8.4 Equitable Pricing Strategies
	7.9 Dynamic Pricing
		7.9.1 Prerequisites for Dynamic Pricing to Work
	7.10 Big Data and Technology: The Glue That Helps Dynamic Pricing Strategies Work
		7.10.1 Data Analytics
	7.11 Dynamic Pricing: An Appraisal
		7.11.1 Advantages
		7.11.2 Disadvantages
	7.12 The Secondary Ticket Market
		7.12.1 Implications for the Various Stakeholders
		7.12.2 Problems with Secondary Ticketing
		7.12.3 Exercise
		7.12.4 Managing the Relationships Between Primary and Secondary Ticket Sellers
		7.12.5 Exercise
		7.12.6 Primary and Secondary Ticket Markets - Future Trends
	7.13 Conclusions
		Further Reading
8: The Sports Product and Brand-Building Decisions
	8.1	 Introduction
	8.2	 The Sports Product
		8.2.1	 Key Dimensions of the Sports Product
	8.3	 Innovation and Product Development
		8.3.1	 Collaboration
	8.4	 Perspectives on Innovation in the Sports Sector
		8.4.1	 Exercise
	8.5	 Branding in the Context of the Sports Sector
		8.5.1	 Brand Equity
		8.5.2	 Brand Equity and Keller’s Framework
		8.5.3	 Brand Equity in the Context of the Sports Sector
		8.5.4	 Building Brand Loyalty - Sports Team Brand-Equity Index
	8.6	 The Most Valuable Global Sports Brands
		8.6.1	 Exercise
	8.7	 Sports Brands and Brand Extensions
	8.8	 Co-branding
		8.8.1	 Pros and Cons of Co-branding
	8.9	 Conclusions
9: Globalisation of the Sports Product
	9.1	 Introduction
	9.2	 Why Internationalise in the First Place?
		9.2.1	 Exercise
	9.3	 Motivations and Barriers to International Expansion
		9.3.1	 Push and Pull Factors
		9.3.2	 Internal and External “Triggers”
		9.3.3	 Barriers to Internationalisation
	9.4	 Within the Context of the Sports Sector
		9.4.1	 Potential Inhibitors to the Sports Internationalisation Process
		9.4.2	 Exercise
	9.5	 Criteria for Evaluating the Attractiveness of International Markets
	9.6	 Strategies for Internationalisation
		9.6.1	 Objectives and Rationale
	9.7	 International Entry Strategies in the Sports Sector
		9.7.1	 “Inside–Out” and “Outside–In” Approaches to Internationalisation
		9.7.2	 Co-partnerships
		9.7.3	 Samplers, Teasers and the “Real Thing”
		9.7.4	 Staging Regular Season, Competitive Games in International Countries
		9.7.5	 Establishing Franchises in International Markets
		9.7.6	 Licensing
		9.7.7	 International Distribution through Media Rights Sales
		9.7.8	 International Development through Season Passes
		9.7.9	 Developing New International Competitions
		9.7.10	 Outward and Inward Investment Strategies
	9.8	 Internationalisation Strategies: The Way Forward
	9.9	 Conclusions
10: Managing the Sports Sponsorship Process
	10.1 Introduction
	10.2 Sponsorship Defined
	10.3 Sports Sponsorship in Context
	10.4 Why Is Sport So Attractive To Sponsors?
	10.5 Sponsorship Objectives
		10.5.1 Awareness-Related Objectives
		10.5.2 Image-Related Objectives
		10.5.3 Relationship-Related Objectives
		10.5.4 Corporate Social Responsibility-Related Objectives
		10.5.5 Sales-Related Objectives
	10.6 Identifying Potential Partners
		10.6.1 Developing a Proposal
		10.6.2 Placing a Value on the Sponsorship Deal
		10.6.3 Assessing the Value of the Components of the Sponsorship Proposition
		10.6.4 Exercise
	10.7 Managing the Relationship Between the Sport Property Owner and Sponsors
	10.8 Sponsorship Activation
	10.9 Sponsorship in the Digital Age
	10.10 Tools for Engagement
		10.10.1 Content Marketing
		10.10.2 Storytelling
		10.10.3 Exercise
	10.11 Assessing the Effectiveness of Sponsorship Deals
	10.12 Evaluation Methods
	10.13 The Threat from Ambush Marketing
		10.13.1 Defining Ambush Marketing
	10.14 Responses to the Threat of Ambush Marketing
		10.14.1 What Makes Ambush Marketing Work?
		10.14.2 Response of Consumers/Fans
	10.15 Athlete Endorsement and Brand Ambassadors
		10.15.1 Exercise
		10.15.2 Brand Ambassadors
	10.16 Stadium Naming Rights
	10.17 Conclusions
11: Sports Marketing in an Era of Radical Uncertainty
	11.1 Introduction
	11.2 Key Drivers and Trends Revisited
		11.2.1 The Shifting Sands Within Revenue Streams for Sports Organisations
		11.2.2 Potential Threats to the Existing Business Models for Managing Media Rights
		11.2.3 Shifting Positions in the Area of Governance of Sports
		11.2.4 The Changing Nature of the Relationship Between Fans and Stakeholders
		11.2.5 The Confluence of Sport, Entertainment and Leisure
	11.3 Future Trends and Developments in the Global Sports Sector
	11.4 Developments in Medical Science
	11.5 Sustainability, the Environment and Sport
		11.5.1 Exercise
	11.6 Technology and Its Impact on Sport
	11.7 Future Developments in the “Wearables” Sports Technology Sector
	11.8 General Directions in Sports Technology
	11.9 The Fan and Changing Consumption Patterns in the Future
	11.10 eSports: One More Time with Feeling
	11.11 Conclusions

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