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دانلود کتاب Invisible Connections An Archaeometallurgical Analysis of the Bronze Age Metalwork from the Egyptian Museum of the University of Leipzig

دانلود کتاب اتصالات نامرئی تحلیل باستان‌متالورژیکی فلزکاری عصر برنز از موزه مصر دانشگاه لایپزیگ

Invisible Connections An Archaeometallurgical Analysis of the Bronze Age Metalwork from the Egyptian Museum of the University of Leipzig

مشخصات کتاب

Invisible Connections An Archaeometallurgical Analysis of the Bronze Age Metalwork from the Egyptian Museum of the University of Leipzig

ISBN (شابک) : 9781789697407, 9781789697414 
سال نشر:  
تعداد صفحات: 200 
زبان: English 
فرمت فایل : PDF (درصورت درخواست کاربر به PDF، EPUB یا AZW3 تبدیل می شود) 
حجم فایل: 25 مگابایت 

قیمت کتاب (تومان) : 32,000

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فهرست مطالب

Title Page
Copyright page
Contents Page
1. Introduction
2. History of the Collection
3. Egyptological Framework of the Study
4. Methodology of the Analytical Study
5. Dynasty-1 Abusir
	5.1. Tomb 8A-5
		5.1.1. ÄMUL 2133:  razor
	5.2. Tomb 10 B-2/3
		5.2.1. ÄMUL 2160:  bowl
	5.3. Grave 9 B-2
		5.3.1. ӒMUL 2162:  bowl
	5.4. Grave 12 B-1
		5.4.1. ÄMUL 2177:  mirror
	5.5. Discussion
	5.6. Conclusion
6. Dynasty-2 Abydos
	6.1. Tomb of King Khasekhemwy
		6.1.1. ÄMUL 2211:  adze
		6.1.2. ÄMUL 2212:  axe
		6.1.3. ÄMUL 2213:  harpoon
		6.1.4. ÄMUL 2216:  chisel
		6.1.5. Needles: ÄMUL 2217, ÄMUL 2218, ÄMUL 2219, ÄMUL 2220, ÄMUL 2222
	6.2. Conclusion
7. Old Kingdom Giza
	7.1. Tomb D 6 (MO, VD)
		7.1.1. ÄMUL 2169:  bowl
		7.1.2. ÄMUL 2170:  model chisel
	7.2. Tomb D 15A (MO, VD)
		7.2.1. ÄMUL 2130:  razor
	7.3. Tomb D 37 (MO, VD)
		7.3.1. ÄMUL 2118:  model chisel
	7.4. Tomb D 44 (MO, VD)
		7.4.1. ÄMUL 2120:  model chisel
	7.5. Tomb D 203 (MO, VD)
		7.5.1. ÄMUL 2131:  razor
	7.6. Tomb D 208 (MO, VD)
		7.6.1. ÄMUL 2129:  cosmetic spatula
	7.7. Unknown
		7.7.1. ÄMUL 2600:  chisel
	7.8. Social status of the tomb owners and their vessels
		7.8.1. Social status of the tomb owners (VD)
		7.8.2. Stone vessels from the tombs (LJ)
		7.8.3. Ceramic finds (KA)
	7.9. Conclusion
8. First Intermediate Period and Middle Kingdom Artefacts
	8.1. Qau el-Kebir
		8.1.1. ÄMUL 5513:  razor
		8.1.2. ÄMUL 5515:  razor
	8.2. Luxor
		8.2.1. ÄMUL 3952:  axe
		8.2.2. ÄMUL 5074:  dagger
	8.3. Assiut
		8.3.1. ÄMUL 2174:  mirror
	8.4. Unknown provenance
		8.4.1. ÄMUL 5241:  mirror
		8.4.2. ÄMUL 5059:  mirror with wooden handle, textile
		8.4.3. ÄMUL 8215:  tweezers
		8.4.4. ÄMUL n. n.:  rivet or nail
	8.5. Conclusion
9. C-Group Aniba
	9.1. Tumulus C 11
		9.1.1. ÄMUL 2182:  tweezers
	9.2. Grave N 11
		9.2.1. ÄMUL 4701:  mirror
		9.2.2. ÄMUL 2152:  dagger
	9.3. Tumulus N 21
		9.3.1. ÄMUL 4697:  axe
	9.4. Tumulus N 83
		9.4.1. ÄMUL 4647:  tweezers
	9.5. Tumulus N 222
		9.5.1. ÄMUL 4700:  mirror
	9.6. Grave N 352
		9.6.1. ÄMUL 4698:  axe
	9.7. Tumulus N 429
		9.7.1. ÄMUL 4703:  mirror and handle
	9.8. Grave N 479
		9.8.1. ÄMUL 4639:  kohl-stick/awl
	9.10. Conclusion
	9.9. Unknown
		9.9.1. ÄMUL 2173:  mirror
10. Kerma Culture
	10.1. Tumulus Kerma IV, Grave K 442
		10.1.1. ÄMUL 3791:  dagger, Kerma type
11. Second Intermediate Period and New Kingdom Aniba
	11.1. Tomb S 13
		11.1.1. ÄMUL 6213:  casting mould
	11.2. Tomb S 53
		11.2.1. ÄMUL 2153:  dagger, middle part
		11.2.2. ÄMUL 2142:  hook
		11.2.3. ÄMUL 2187:  tweezers
	11.3. Tomb S 111
		11.3.1. ÄMUL 2226: hair curler
	11.4. Tomb S 80
		11.4.1. ÄMUL 2185:  tweezers
	11.5. Tomb S 90
		11.5.1. ÄMUL 2186:  tweezers
	11.6. Tomb S 105 = Tomb SA 22
		11.6.1. ÄMUL 2188:  tweezers
	11.7. Tomb S 60
		11.7.1. ÄMUL 2141:  adze
	11.8. Tomb S 37
		11.8.1. ÄMUL 2146:  hook
	11.9. Tomb S 91
		11.9.1. ÄMUL 2179:  razor with handle
		11.9.2. ÄMUL 2176:  mirror
	11.10. Tomb S 48
		11.10.1. ÄMUL 2171:  mirror
	11.11. Tomb S 62
		11.11.1. ÄMUL 2145:  bolt
		11.11.2. ÄMUL 4417:  bowl
		11.11.3. ÄMUL 2210:  flask
		11.11.4. ÄMUL 2208:  staff finial
	11.12. Tomb S 84
		11.12.1. ÄMUL 2167:  bowl
		11.12.2. ÄMUL 2180:  razor with handle
	11.13. Tomb S 66
		11.13.1. ÄMUL 2172:  mirror
		11.13.2. ÄMUL 2143:  two nails
		11.13.3. ÄMUL 2144:  bolt
	11.14. Tomb S 8
		11.14.1. ÄMUL 8213:  bolt
	11.15. Tomb S 11
		11.15.1. ÄMUL 2191 and 2192:  two bolts
	11.16. Tomb S 23
		11.16.1. ÄMUL 8439: mirror
		11.16.2. ÄMUL 2138: dgA razor
	11.17. Tomb S 109
		11.17.1. ÄMUL 2139:   dgA razor
		11.17.2. ÄMUL 2189:  kohl-stick
	11.18. Conclusion
12. Other New Kingdom Provenanced Artefacts
	12.1. Abusir
		12.1.1. ÄMUL 2178:  mirror
		12.1.2. ÄMUL 2127:  belt clasp
		12.1.3. ÄMUL 2224:  handle
	12.2. Giza
		12.2.1. ÄMUL 2599:  chisel
	12.3. Thebes, Deir el-Bahari
		12.3.1. ÄMUL 5075:  saw
	12.4. Conclusion
13. Unprovenanced Artefacts
	13.1. Unknown sites
		13.1.1. ÄMUL 4834:  mirror
		13.1.2. ÄMUL 849: dgA razor
		13.1.3. ÄMUL 2225:  hair curler
		13.1.4. ÄMUL 2154:  chisel
		13.1.5. ÄMUL n. n.:  chisel blade
		13.1.6. ÄMUL 9154:  rivet or nail
		13.1.7. ÄMUL 2155:  arrowhead
		13.1.8. ÄMUL 8457:  tweezers fragment
14. Archaeometallurgical Summary (JK)
	14.1. Major and minor elemental composition
	14.2. Microstructural characterization and production technologies
	14.3. Hardness of artefacts
	14.4. Minor and trace elemental composition and artefacts provenance
		14.4.1. Early Dynastic Abusir and Abydos and Old Kingdom Giza
		14.4.2. First Intermediate Period and Middle Kingdom artefacts
		14.4.3. C-Group Aniba
		14.4.4. Kerman dagger
		14.4.5. New Kingdom Aniba
		14.4.6. Other New Kingdom provenanced artefacts
15. Archaeological and Historical Summary (MO)
	15.1. Early Dynastic Abusir and Abydos: king and his subordinates
	15.2. Old Kingdom Giza: king’s and other officials
	15.3. First Intermediate Period, Middle Kingdom and C-Group: a view from Aniba and other sites
	15.4. Glimpses of Second Intermediate Period
	15.5. New Kingdom tin bronzes in Aniba and elsewhere
	15.6. Question of Nubian sources of copper
16. Concluding remarks
17. Bibliography
18. Appendix

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