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دانلود کتاب Decolonizing Education for Sustainable Futures

دانلود کتاب استعمار زدایی از آموزش برای آینده های پایدار

Decolonizing Education for Sustainable Futures

مشخصات کتاب

Decolonizing Education for Sustainable Futures

نویسندگان: , , ,   
ISBN (شابک) : 9781529226119 
ناشر: Bristol University Press 
سال نشر: 2023 
تعداد صفحات: 256
زبان: English 
فرمت فایل : PDF (درصورت درخواست کاربر به PDF، EPUB یا AZW3 تبدیل می شود) 
حجم فایل: 10 Mb 

قیمت کتاب (تومان) : 37,000

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       تعداد امتیاز دهندگان : 8

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توضیحاتی درمورد کتاب به خارجی

Bringing together the perspectives of researchers, policy makers, activists, educators and practitioners, this book critically interrogates the Western-centric assumptions underpinning education and development agendas and the colonial legacies of violence they often uphold. The book considers the crucial connection between the idea of sustainable futures and the demand to decolonize education. Containing an innovative mixture of text, stories and poetry, it explores how decolonized futures can be conceived and enacted, offering theoretical and practical examples, including from practice in educational and cultural organizations. In doing so, the book highlights education’s potential role in facilitating processes of reparative justice that can contribute to decolonized futures.

فهرست مطالب

Front Cover
Decolonizing Education for Sustainable Futures
Copyright information
Table of Contents
Series Editor Preface
List of Figures and Table
List of Abbreviations
Notes on Contributors
	Why a book on decolonizing education for sustainable futures?
	The Futures of Education report as a context for the book
	Aims and structure of the book
	A note on authorship
Part I Connecting Decolonial and Sustainable Futures in Education
	1 Decolonizing Education for Sustainable Futures: Some Conceptual Starting Points
Leon Tikly
		The meaning of sustainable futures
		Growth-led narratives
		Environmentally-oriented narratives
		Rights-based narratives
		Capability and social justice narratives
		Decolonizing narratives
		Conclusion: decolonizing sustainable futures
	2 Learning to Become With the World: Education for Future Survival
Common Worlds Research Collective1
		Introduction: education for future survival
		Visionary declarations for education by 2050
		Conclusion: learning to become with the world
	3 Knowledge Production, Access and Governance: A Song from the South
Catherine A. Odora Hoppers
		Introduction: the past and present
		Unsustainable existential illiteracy
		Governance in a new dispensation
		Recommendations for the future
			1. The need to invest in Indigenous diplomacy
			2. We need to cultivate the ethical space
			3. The imperative to enhance the tacit constitution
			4. The need to generate knowledge panchayats
			5. Cognitive justice
		Conclusion: what inclusive education must be for
Part II Decolonizing Education for Sustainable Futures: From Theory to Practice
	4 Reimagining Education: Student Movements and the Possibility of a Critical Pedagogy and Feminist Praxis
Tania Saeed
		Social movements for change
			The struggle for environmental and ecological rights and justice: School Strikes for Climate and Fridays for Future
		Civic and racial justice: a reckoning with history
		Critical pedagogy and feminist praxis – reimagining the futures of education
			Reimagining the human and non-human connection
			Expanding and crossing borders
			Intergenerational communities of learning
		Conclusion: the futures await
	5 British Council Dialogues on Decolonization
Yvette Hutchinson
		The British Council
		Engaging with decolonization
		Positionality and methodology
		The Decolonisation Series
		Decolonization from the grassroots
			Theme 1: The process of development
			Theme 2: The personal and professional
			Theme 3: The spaces created and the networks
	6 Decolonizing the University: A Perspective from Bristol
Alvin Birdi
		Introduction: decolonizing what?
		Decolonizing the university and decolonizing the curriculum
		What does it mean to decolonize the curriculum?
		Decolonizing at the University of Bristol: local practices and praxis
		Decolonizing the university: a whole-institution approach
		Conclusion: a work in progress
	7 Decolonizing the Curriculum in English Secondary Schools: Lessons from Teacher-led Initiatives in Bristol
Terra Glowach, Tanisha Hicks-Beresford and Rafael Mitchell
		The context
		Terra Glowach: Incorporating Somali poetry in the English curriculum
		Tanisha Hicks-Beresford: Reflexive questions for an anti-racist Citizenship curriculum
		Discussion and conclusion
			Motivations for teacher-led decolonizing initiatives
			Approaches to decolonizing the curriculum
	8 Little Voices: Embracing Difference in Bristol Schools through Engaging Learner Voices
Ben Spence
		Primary and secondary: demands and opportunities
			Lockdown project – ‘If’
		The new world – post-lockdown response
		Decolonizing the curriculum: what does it mean?
		Curriculum wish list
		Conclusion: what did we learn?
			What next?
Part III Education’s Reparative Possibilities: Responsibilities and Reckonings for Sustainable Futures
	9 Indigenous Education and Activism: Dignity and Repair for Inclusive Futures
Tarcila Rivera Zea
		Capítulo 9 Educación Indígena y Activismo: Dignidad y reparación para futuros inclusivos – Tarcila Rivera Zea
	10 Learning With the Past: Racism, Education and Reparative Futures
Arathi Sriprakash, David Nally, Kevin Myers and Pedro Ramos-Pinto
		Racism and the chronopolitics of development
		Learning with the past
			Historical knowledges
			Historical practices
		Education for reparative futures
	11 Decolonizing Citational and Quotational Practices as Reparative Politics
Esther Priyadharshini
		The Anthropocene
		Practices of citational reparation
		Uncitable knowledges
		Quotational reparation with more-than-human elements?
			Robin Wall Kimmerer: Braiding Sweetgrass
			Eduardo Kohn: How Forests Think
		Multimodal formats for a reparative practice
	12 Reparative Pedagogies
Julia Paulson
		Repair in pedagogy
		Describing the reparative
		Describing reparative pedagogies
		Conclusion: flowerings
Yvette Hutchinson, Artemio Arturo Cortez Ochoa, Julia Paulson and Leon Tikly
	What is the relationship between sustainable futures and demands to decolonize education?
		How are agendas for decolonizing education and sustainable futures connected?
	What are the tensions?
	What are the roles and responsibilities of educational organizations, individuals and society stakeholders in decolonizing education?
		How should decolonization be conceived and enacted in different settings?
	What does decolonizing education for sustainable futures involve?
	What are the possibilities for reparative justice in and through education, given education’s enduring complicity with coloniality and environmental injustice?
Robin Shields
	Counting our footprints
	Conclusion: from footprints to handprints

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