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Dad's guide to pregnancy for dummies

مشخصات کتاب

Dad's guide to pregnancy for dummies

ویرایش: [3 ed.] 
سری: For dummies 
ISBN (شابک) : 9781119867159, 1119867150 
سال نشر: 2022 
تعداد صفحات: [419] 
زبان: English 
فرمت فایل : PDF (درصورت درخواست کاربر به PDF، EPUB یا AZW3 تبدیل می شود) 
حجم فایل: 5 Mb 

قیمت کتاب (تومان) : 39,000

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فهرست مطالب

Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
	About This Book
	Foolish Assumptions
	Icons Used In This Book
	Beyond the Book
	Where to Go from Here
Part 1 You’re Going to Be a Dad (Yes, You)
	Chapter 1 Welcome to Dad Land
		The Glorious, Frightening, Mind-Boggling World of Fatherhood
			A father? Who, me?
			Reacting to a life-changing event
			Dealing with fatherhood fears
			Debunking six common myths
		Becoming a Modern Dad
			Changes in your personal life
			Changes in your professional life
			Lifestyle changes to consider
			Bringing baby into a turbulent world
		Deciding to Take the Plunge (or Not)
			Determining whether you’re ready
			Telling your partner you’re ready
			Telling your partner you’re not ready
			Being patient when one of you is ready (and the other isn’t)
			Dealing with an unexpected pregnancy
			Welcoming long-awaited pregnancies
		Peering into the Pregnancy Crystal Ball
			First trimester
			Second trimester
			Third trimester
	Chapter 2 Your Conception Primer
		Sperm, Meet Egg: Baby Making 101
			Producing a mature egg
			Sending in some good sperm
			Making the journey and attaching to the uterus
			Answering FAQs about getting pregnant
		Tracking the Journey: Using Fertility Apps and Monitors
		Evaluating Health to Get Ready for Parenthood
			Discovering female health issues that affect conception
			Recognizing issues that cause fertility problems in men
			Assessing lifestyle choices that affect eggs and sperm
		Keeping Sex from Becoming a Chore
			Choosing the best time for conception
			Scheduling sex: The do’s and don’ts
		Taking a Brief yet Important Look at Infertility
			Knowing the facts about infertility
			Checking on potential problems when nothing’s happening
			Working through it when your partner needs treatment
			Exploring solutions when your sperm don’t stack up
			Examining new developments in infertility treatments
			Deciding how far to go to get pregnant
		Sharing Your Decision to Have a Baby
			Considering the pros and cons of spilling the beans
			Handling unsolicited advice about reproduction
	Chapter 3 Non-Traditional Dadhood
		Becoming a Two Dad or Dad Alone Family
			Who’s supplying the egg? The sperm? The womb?
			Looking at the legalities of surrogacy
			Involving a family member in egg donation or carrying the baby
			Finding a friend who’s willing to donate or carry
		Working with an agency
		Drawing up a contract
		Deciding how involved you’ll be in the pregnancy
			Becoming comfortable with a stranger
			Maintaining boundaries with a friend or family member
		Being Involved When You’re Not Able to Be Around
			Keeping up to date when you’re out of town — or country
			Dealing with the frustrations of long-distance pregnancy
Part 2 The Final Countdown: Nine Months (or Less!) to Baby
	Chapter 4 Balancing Joy, Anxiety, and Nausea: The First Trimester
		Baby on Board: It’s Official!
			Reacting when your partner breaks the news
			Making the announcement to friends and family
			Overcoming your fears of being a father
		Early Prenatal Care: Kicking Off a Nine-Month-Long Relationship
			Finding a medical practitioner who works for both of you
			Attending the first (and longest) prenatal visit
			Going to the first ultrasound
		Baby’s Development during the First Trimester
			He may not look like much now, but . . .
			Amazing changes in weeks 7 to 12
		Dealing with Possible Complications in the First Trimester
			Miscarrying in early pregnancy
			Understanding ectopic pregnancy
			Coping with pregnancy loss
		Reducing Early Developmental Risks
			Smoking and development problems
			Drinking during pregnancy
			OTC and prescription drugs and their health risks
			Autism spectrum risks and prevention
		Common First Trimester Discomforts — Yours and Hers
			Helping your partner cope with early symptoms
			Getting used to strange new maternal habits
			Taking on your emerging support role
	Chapter 5 Growing into the Second Trimester
		Tracking Baby’s Development during the Second Trimester
			Growing and changing in months four and five
			Refining touches in the sixth month
		Checking Out Mom’s Development in the Second Trimester
			Gaining weight the right way
			Looking pregnant at last!
		Testing in the Second Trimester
			Preparing for the possible risks of tests and ultrasounds
			Understanding blood tests and amniocentesis
			Following up on the test results
			Scrutinizing ultrasounds
		Having Sex in the Second Trimester
			Maintaining a healthy sex life during pregnancy
			Addressing common myths and concerns
		Exploring Different Options for Childbirth Classes
		Dealing with Insurance (or a Lack Thereof)
			Understanding your insurance
			Having a baby without insurance
	Chapter 6 Nesting, Registering, and Naming (Oh My!)
		A Guy’s Guide to “Nesting”
			Making the house spotless — and then some
			Engaging in Instagram preparedness
			Setting up the nursery
			Arranging the nursery for two or more
			Baby-proofing 101
		Understanding the Art of the Baby Registry
			Doing your homework ahead of time to get what you want
			Finding out what you need — and what you think you won’t need but can’t live without!
			Navigating the online-versus-local- registry decision
			Checking out five things you don’t have to have and will never adore
		Celebrating the Wee One’s Impending Arrival: Baby Shower Basics
			Opting into — or out of — gender reveal parties
			Throwing virtual parties
			Naming Your Baby
			Narrowing down your long list
			Reconciling father/mother differences of opinion
			Discussing choices with friends and family
	Chapter 7 Preparing for What Could — But Probably Won’t — Go Wrong
		Managing Pregnancy-Related Medical Issues
			Hypertensive conditions in pregnancy
			Gestational diabetes
			Pregnancy in women with previously diagnosed diabetes
			Placenta previa
			Mandatory bed rest
		Handling Abnormal Ultrasounds
			Birth defects
			Fetal demise
		Preparing Yourself for Preterm Labor and Delivery
			Recognizing the risks of preterm delivery
			Handling feelings of guilt
			Navigating the NICU
			Knowing what to expect with a preemie
			Clarifying common problems
			Learning the ropes — er, wires
			Preparing for preemie setbacks
			Taking baby home
		Hi, Baby Baby Baby: Having Multiples
			Multiple identities: What multiples are and who has them
			Health risks for mom
			Risks for the babies
		Keeping Cool in Monetary Emergencies
			Checking out your insurance limits
			Covering the cost of unexpected medical expenses
	Chapter 8 Nearing the Finish Line: The Third Trimester
		Tracking Baby’s Development during the Third Trimester
			Adding pounds and maturing in the seventh and eighth months
			Getting everything in place in the ninth month
		Finding Out What Mom Goes Through in the Third Trimester
			Understanding your partner’s physical changes
			Heeding warning signs
			Bracing for your partner’s emotional changes
			Sympathizing with her desire to have this over, already
			Dealing with tears, panic, and doubts . . . even your own
		Guaranteeing a Smooth Admissions Process
		Picking a Pediatrician
		Whose Baby Is This, Anyway? Dealing with Overbearing Family Members
	Chapter 9 The Copilot’s Guide to Birthing Options
		Choosing Where to Deliver
			Delivering at a hospital
			Delivering at home with a midwife
			Delivering at a birthing center
		Making Sure Your Birth Practitioner Is a Good Fit
			Screening potential practitioners
			Working with a midwife
			Getting some additional help with a doula
		Looking at Labor Choices
			Going all natural or getting the epidural
			Taking it to the water
		Creating a Birth Plan
			Visualizing your ideal experience
			Drafting your plan
			Sharing your birth plan with the world
		Picking the Cast: Who’s Present, Who Visits, and Who Gets a Call
			Deciding who gets to attend the birth
			Planning ahead for visitors
			Spreading the news
Part 3 Whoa, Baby! Labor, Delivery, and the First Days at Home
	Chapter 10 Wowing the Maternity Floor: How to Be the Best Labor and Delivery Partner
		When It’s Time, It’s Time — Is It Time?
			Avoiding numerous dry runs (yes, it’s us again)
			Knowing when it’s too late to head out
		Supporting Your Partner During Labor
			Figuring out what she needs from you
			Not taking the insults seriously
		Looking at What Happens During and After Labor
			First stage
			Second stage
			Wrapping things up after the birth
			Helping baby right after delivery
		Walking Through Common Labor Procedures
			Vaginal exams
			Membrane ruptures
			Fetal monitoring
		Coping with Labor Pain
			Enduring it: Going unmedicated
			Dulling it: Sedation (no, not for you)
			Blocking it out: Epidurals
		Deviating from Your Birth Plan/Vision
		Having a Cesarean
			Scheduled C-section
			Unplanned Cesarean delivery
			What to expect before the operation
			What to expect during the surgery
			Getting past disappointment
	Chapter 11 Caring for Your Newborn
		Getting Your First Look at a Typical Newborn
			Examining your newborn
			Rating the reflexes
		Feeding a Newborn
			Breast-feeding basics
				Getting started
				Supplemental bottles
			Bottle-feeding basics
		Changing Diapers
			Cleaning baby boys
			Cleaning baby girls
		Bathing Your Squirming Bundle of Joy
		Holding Your Baby
		Co-sleeping Pros and Cons
		Back to Sleep: Helping Baby Sleep Safely and Comfortably
			Coping if baby hates being on his back
			Swaddling your little one
			Preventing the flat-head look
		Soothing Baby Indigestion
		Scheduling Immunizations
			Skipping some shots?
			Spreading them out
			Taking a stand on the vaccination debate
	Chapter 12 Supporting the New Mom . . . and Surviving Yourself!
		Handling Housework during the Recovery Phase
			Getting the house in order
			Taking care of meals
			Calling in backup
		Supporting a Breast-Feeding Mom
			Making the decision to breast-feed
			Offering lactation support
			Including yourself in the process
		Dealing with Post-Cesarean Issues
			Helping with a normal recovery
			Knowing when to call the doctor
		Riding the Ups and Downs of Hormones
			Thinking before speaking in the sensitive postpartum period
			Shedding light on physical symptoms
			Getting through the “baby blues”
		Sleeping (or Doing Without)
		Coping with Company
			Dealing with grabby grandmas
			Managing unsolicited advice
			Handling hurt feelings when you want to be alone
		Rediscovering the Physical and Romantic
			Prioritizing love and romance
			Waiting at least six weeks for sex
			Understanding changes in body and libido
			Learning to be patient and give grace
			When to seek help
Part 4 Under Pressure: How to Worry the Right Way about the Big Stuff
	Chapter 13 Dealing with Difficult Issues after Delivery
		Coping with Baby’s Serious Health Problems
			Congenital defects
			Developmental delays
		Watching Out for Mom’s Postpartum Mood Disorders
			Taking a look at postpartum depression
				Recognizing the symptoms
				Knowing who’s more at risk
				Treating the disease
				Taking care of yourself
			Acting fast to treat postpartum psychosis
		Managing Grief
			Going through the stages of grief
			Why, why, why? Getting past the question
			Grieving together and separately
			Determining when grief has gone on too long
		Talking to People about Your Child
			Telling others
			Handling insensitive remarks
	Chapter 14 Survival Tips for Bumps, Boo-Boos, and More
		Handling Inevitable Illnesses
			Dealing with common childhood diseases
			Staying alert for scarier diseases
		Protecting Baby from Common Accidents — and Handling Them When They Happen Anyway
			Taking care of baby after a fall
			Staying safe in the car
		Managing Medical Crises at Home
			Don’t panic! Don’t panic!
			Calling the doctor
		Open Wide, Baby! Administering Medicine
		Taking a Baby’s Temperature
			Choosing a thermometer
			Taking a rectal temperature
			Recognizing fevers
		Deciphering Diaper Contents
			Knowing what’s normal
			Checking out color changes
		Teething Symptoms and Remedies
		Reacting to Medicines and Vaccines
			Medications that cause reactions
			Vaccination reactions — yours and your baby’s
		Dealing with Food Allergies
			Introducing new foods
			Recognizing allergic reactions
			Preventing allergic reactions
	Chapter 15 Fun, Freedom, and Finances: The Cost of Having a Baby
		Creating a Family/Fun/Work Balance with Baby
			Taking time off with paternity leave
				Looking at possible time-off options
				Discussing your leave options
				Getting all your paperwork in order
			Managing sick time when you’re back at work
			Dealing with after-work expectations
			Working from home tips to stay productive
			Reprioritizing your commitments
		Readjusting When — or if — Mom Goes Back to Work
			Making going back to work easier on mom
			Deciding to be a stay-at-home mom
			Helping mom adjust if she doesn’t go back to work
			Becoming a stay-at-home dad
		Exploring the Expected (And Unexpected) Costs of Baby
			Deciding what baby really needs
			Bracing yourself for the costs of must-have baby supplies
			Comparing childcare options and costs
		Managing Your Money
			Prioritizing your needs
			Determining where to cut costs
	Chapter 16 Ensuring a Bright Future for Your New Family
		Planning for a Financially Sound Future
			Prioritize your expenses
			Create (and stick to) a budget
			Pay down your debt
			Create an emergency fund
			Buy disability insurance
			Contribute to a retirement account
			Work with a financial advisor
			Mind your credit score
		Saving Money for Your Child’s Future
		Getting the Lowdown on Life Insurance
			Obtaining adequate life insurance for mom and dad
			Considering a policy for your baby
			Whole-life coverage versus term
			How much coverage is enough?
		Health Insurance Options for Newborns
			Adding baby to an existing work-paid plan
			Buying coverage just for baby
			Obtaining free and low-cost care for uninsured kids
		Taking Care of Legal Matters
			Creating a will
			Establishing power of attorney
			Growing together as a couple
			Learning how to be parents on the same team
			Investing in your mental well-being
Part 5 The Part of Tens
	Chapter 17 Ten Must-Do’s to Compensate for Not Having to Give Birth
		Say Nice Things
		Start a Baby Book
		Make Exercise Fun
		Listen . . . Don’t Try to Fix It
		Attend Prenatal Appointments
		Book a Mini-Vacation (Babymoon)
		Register for a Prenatal Class
		Get Smart about Baby
		Master Prenatal Massage
		Keep the House Neat and Tidy
	Chapter 18 Ten Ways to Bond as a New Family
		Don’t Be Afraid . . . Be Awesome
		Trust Your Instincts
		Spend Time Skin-to-Skin, Eye-to-Eye
		Check Frustrations
		Embrace Your Goofy Side
		Steal Away for a Date Early On
		Teach Baby New Tricks
		Roughhouse the Safe Way
		Read Daily
		Say Goodbye to Mommy

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