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دانلود کتاب State of the Art in Neural Networks and Their Applications: Volume 2

دانلود کتاب وضعیت هنر در شبکه های عصبی و کاربردهای آنها: جلد 2

State of the Art in Neural Networks and Their Applications: Volume 2

مشخصات کتاب

State of the Art in Neural Networks and Their Applications: Volume 2

نویسندگان: ,   
ISBN (شابک) : 0128198729, 9780128198728 
ناشر: Academic Press 
سال نشر: 2022 
تعداد صفحات: 326
زبان: English 
فرمت فایل : PDF (درصورت درخواست کاربر به PDF، EPUB یا AZW3 تبدیل می شود) 
حجم فایل: 7 Mb 

قیمت کتاب (تومان) : 42,000

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توجه داشته باشید کتاب وضعیت هنر در شبکه های عصبی و کاربردهای آنها: جلد 2 نسخه زبان اصلی می باشد و کتاب ترجمه شده به فارسی نمی باشد. وبسایت اینترنشنال لایبرری ارائه دهنده کتاب های زبان اصلی می باشد و هیچ گونه کتاب ترجمه شده یا نوشته شده به فارسی را ارائه نمی دهد.

توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب وضعیت هنر در شبکه های عصبی و کاربردهای آنها: جلد 2

وضعیت هنر در شبکه‌های عصبی و کاربردهای آنها، جلد 2 آخرین پیشرفت‌ها در شبکه‌های عصبی مصنوعی و کاربردهای آن‌ها را در طیف وسیعی از تشخیص‌های بالینی ارائه می‌کند. این کتاب دیدگاه‌ها و مطالعات موردی پیشرفت‌ها در نقش یادگیری ماشینی، هوش مصنوعی، یادگیری عمیق، پردازش تصویر شناختی، و تجزیه و تحلیل داده‌های مناسب برای تشخیص بالینی و کاربردهای تحقیقاتی را ارائه می‌دهد. استفاده از شبکه های عصبی، هوش مصنوعی و روش های یادگیری ماشین در تجزیه و تحلیل تصویر زیست پزشکی منجر به توسعه سیستم های تشخیصی به کمک رایانه (CAD) شده است که هدف آن تشخیص زودهنگام خودکار چندین بیماری شدید است. وضعیت هنر در شبکه های عصبی و کاربردهای آنها در دو جلد ارائه شده است. جلد 1: شبکه های عصبی در تصویربرداری سرطان شناسی سرطان ریه، سرطان پروستات و سرطان مثانه را پوشش می دهد. جلد 2: شبکه های عصبی در اختلالات مغزی و سایر بیماری ها اختلال طیف اوتیسم، بیماری آلهایمر، اختلال بیش فعالی کمبود توجه، فشار خون بالا و سایر بیماری ها را پوشش می دهد. این دو جلد نوشته شده توسط مهندسان با تجربه در این زمینه، به مهندسان، دانشمندان کامپیوتر، محققان و پزشکان کمک می کند تا فناوری و کاربردهای شبکه های عصبی مصنوعی را درک کنند. شامل کاربردهای شبکه‌های عصبی، هوش مصنوعی، یادگیری ماشین و تکنیک‌های یادگیری عمیق برای انواع فناوری‌های تصویربرداری انکولوژی، پوشش فنی عمیق تشخیص با کمک رایانه (CAD) از جمله پوشش طبقه‌بندی به کمک رایانه، چارچوب‌های یادگیری عمیق یکپارچه، سه بعدی را ارائه می‌کند. MRI، PET/CT، و موارد دیگر شناسایی سرطان با یادگیری عمیق از تصاویر هیستوپاتولوژیک، تجزیه و تحلیل تصویر پزشکی، و تشخیص، تقسیم‌بندی و طبقه‌بندی از طریق هوش مصنوعی را پوشش می‌دهد.

توضیحاتی درمورد کتاب به خارجی

State of the Art in Neural Networks and Their Applications, Volume 2 presents the latest advances in artificial neural networks and their applications across a wide range of clinical diagnoses. The book covers provides over views and case studies of advances in the role of machine learning, artificial intelligence, deep learning, cognitive image processing, and suitable data analytics useful for clinical diagnosis and research applications. The application of neural network, artificial intelligence, and machine learning methods in biomedical image analysis have resulted in the development of computer-aided diagnostic (CAD) systems that aim towards the automatic early detection of several severe diseases. State of the Art in Neural Networks and Their Applications is presented in two volumes. Volume 1: Neural Networks in Oncology Imaging covers lung cancer, prostate cancer, and bladder cancer. Volume 2: Neural Networks in Brain Disorders and Other Diseases covers autism spectrum disorder, Alheimer\'s disease, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, hypertension, and other diseases. Written by experienced engineers in the field, these two volumes will help engineers, computer scientists, researchers, and clinicians understand the technology and applications of artificial neural networks. Includes applications of neural networks, AI, machine learning, and deep learning techniques to a variety of oncology imaging technologies Provides in-depth technical coverage of computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) including coverage of computer-aided classification, unified deep learning frameworks, 3D MRI, PET/CT, and more Covers deep learning cancer identification from histopathological images, medical image analysis, and detection, segmentation, and classification via AI

فهرست مطالب

Front Cover
State of the Art in Neural Networks and Their Applications
Copyright Page
List of contributors
About the editors
1 Microscopy Cancer Cell Imaging in B-lineage Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
	1.1 Introduction
	1.2 Building a computer-assisted solution
	1.3 Data preparation
		1.3.1 Preparation of slide for microscopic imaging
		1.3.2 Capture of microscopic images from healthy and cancer subjects for B-acute lymphoblastic leukemia cancer
	1.4 Normalization of color stain to correct for abnormalities during the staining process
		1.4.1 Quantitative results
	1.5 Segmentation of cells of interest (in B-lineage ALL cancer)
		1.5.1 Method-1 of cell segmentation using traditional image processing techniques
		1.5.2 Method-2 of cell segmentation using deep belief network
		1.5.3 Method-3 of cell segmentation using novel convolutional neural network architecture Brief review of convolutional neural network architectures Semantic versus instance segmentation in medical imaging Method-3: novel proposed EDNiS-Net convolutional neural network for automated nuclei instance segmentation Base module Encoder module Decoder module Proposed loss function Results and discussion Region-proposal based convolutional neural network architectures
	1.6 Classification of cancer and healthy cells
		1.6.1 C-NMC 2019 challenge dataset
		1.6.2 Classification on C-NMC 2019 dataset
		1.6.3 SDCT-AuxNetθ CNN architecture for C-NMC 2019 dataset
	1.7 Conclusions
2 Computational imaging applications in brain and breast cancer
	2.1 Introduction
	2.2 Building upon current clinical standards
		2.2.1 Clinical standards
		2.2.2 Tissue segmentation
	2.3 Deep learning applications in brain cancer
		2.3.1 Tumor grading
		2.3.2 Survival analysis
		2.3.3 Radiogenomics 1p/19q Isocitrate dehydrogenase 6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase
		2.3.4 Pseudoprogression
	2.4 Deep learning applications in breast cancer
		2.4.1 Increasing accuracy in breast cancer risk assessment
		2.4.2 Reproducible breast density assessment for improved breast cancer risk prediction
		2.4.3 Improving performance in breast cancer diagnosis
		2.4.4 Enhancing efficacy in breast cancer clinical practice
	2.5 Conclusion
3 Deep neural networks and advanced computer vision algorithms in the early diagnosis of skin diseases
	3.1 Introduction and motivation for the early diagnosis of melanoma
	3.2 Artificial intelligence and computer vision in melanoma diagnosis
	3.3 Medical diagnostic procedures for screening of skin diseases
	3.4 State-of-the-art survey on skin mole segmentation methods
		3.4.1 Comparison of the state of the art
		3.4.2 Summary
	3.5 Improved local and global patterns detection algorithms by deep learning algorithms
	3.6 Early classification of skin melanomas in dermoscopy
		3.6.1 Diagnostic algorithms
		3.6.2 Approaches to detect the diagnostic criteria
		3.6.3 Approaches to directly classify skin conditions Classifiers utilizing the convolutional neural networks as a feature extractor Classifiers using end-to-end learning convolutional neural networks model training with transfer learning Convolutional neural networks model training from scratch Ensembles of convolutional neural networks models
	3.7 Conclusions
	3.8 How to speed up the classification process with field-programmable gate arrays?
	3.9 Challenges and future directions
	3.10 Teledermatology
4 An accurate deep learning-based computer-aided diagnosis system for early diagnosis of prostate cancer
	4.1 Introduction
	4.2 Methods
		4.2.1 Feature Extraction
		4.2.2 CNN-based classification
	4.3 Experimental results
	4.4 Conclusion
5 Adaptive graph convolutional neural network and its biomedical applications
	5.1 Introduction
	5.2 Related work
		5.2.1 Evolution of graph convolutional neural networks Spatial graph convolutional neural networks Spectral graph convolutional neural networks
		5.2.2 Neural network on molecular graph
		5.2.3 Attention on graph
		5.2.4 Neural network for survival analysis
	5.3 Method
		5.3.1 Spectral graph convolution-LL layer Learning residual graph Laplacian Re-parameterization on feature transform
		5.3.2 Adaptive graph convolution network architecture
		5.3.3 Graph attention network on adaptive graph
		5.3.4 DeepGraphSurv framework
	5.4 Experiment
		5.4.1 Drug-property prediction Baseline model Dataset Experimental result
		5.4.2 DeepGraphSurv and survival prediction Dataset Baseline model Experimental result
	5.5 Conclusion
	Further reading
6 Deep slice interpolation via marginal super-resolution, fusion, and refinement
	6.1 Introduction
	6.2 Related work
		6.2.1 Traditional slice interpolation methods
		6.2.2 Learning-based super-resolution methods
	6.3 Problem formulation and baseline convolutional neural networks approaches
	6.4 The proposed algorithm
		6.4.1 Marginal super-resolution
		6.4.2 Two-view fusion and refinement
		6.4.3 Comparison with baseline convolutional neural networks approaches
	6.5 Experiments
		6.5.1 Implementation details
		6.5.2 Dataset
		6.5.3 Evaluation metrics
		6.5.4 Visual comparisons
		6.5.5 Ablation study
	6.6 Conclusion
7 Explainable deep learning approach to predict chemotherapy effect on breast tumor’s MRI
	7.1 Introduction
	7.2 Materials and developed methods
		7.2.1 Study population
		7.2.2 Magnetic resonance imaging protocol
		7.2.3 Image preprocessing
		7.2.4 Convolution neural network architecture development
	7.3 Results
		7.3.1 Quantitative results
		7.3.2 Qualitative results
	7.4 Discussion
	7.5 Conclusion
8 Deep learning interpretability: measuring the relevance of clinical concepts in convolutional neural networks features
	8.1 Introduction
	8.2 Related work on interpretable artificial intelligence
		8.2.1 Motivations
		8.2.2 Related terminology
		8.2.3 Related work on explainable artificial intelligence Explainable artificial intelligence for medical applications Visualization methods and feature attribution Concept attribution
		8.2.4 Evaluation of explainable artificial intelligence methods
	8.3 Methods
		8.3.1 Retinopathy of prematurity Relevant background Dataset for the experiments Task and classification model
		8.3.2 Concept attribution with regression concept vectors Identification of the concepts Computing the regression concept vector Generating local explanations by conceptual sensitivity Agglomerating scores for global explanations
	8.4 Experiments and results
		8.4.1 Network performance on the retinopathy of prematurity task
		8.4.2 Results of concept attribution Identification of the concepts Computation of the regression concept vectors Evaluation of the conceptual sensitivities Global explanations with Br
	8.5 Discussion of the results
	8.6 Conclusions
9 Computational lung sound classification: a review
	9.1 Introduction
	9.2 Data processing
		9.2.1 Audio signal preprocessing Signal splitting Noise filtering Resampling Amplitude scaling Segment splitting Padding
		9.2.2 Feature extraction Features for conventional classifiers Time-frequency representations for deep learning
		9.2.3 Data augmentation Time domain Time–frequency domain
	9.3 Data modeling
		9.3.1 Machine learning Conventional classifiers Deep learning architectures Convolutional neural networks Recurrent networks Hybrid systems
		9.3.2 Learning paradigm Transfer learning Postprocessing
	9.4 Recent public lung sound datasets
		9.4.1 ICBHI 2017 dataset
		9.4.2 The Abdullah University Hospital 2020 dataset
		9.4.3 HF_Lung_V1 dataset
	9.5 Conclusion
10 Clinical applications of machine learning in heart failure
	10.1 Introduction
	10.2 Diagnosis
		10.2.1 Automatic diagnosis, classification, and phenotyping of heart failure
		10.2.2 Detection of heart failure-associated arrhythmia
	10.3 Management
		10.3.1 Prognostic prediction
		10.3.2 Development of therapy
		10.3.3 Optimal patient selection for specific therapies or recommendation of optimal therapy
	10.4 Prevention
	10.5 Conclusion
11 Role of artificial intelligence and radiomics in diagnosing renal tumors: a survey
	11.1 Introduction
	11.2 Basic background
		11.2.1 Deep learning
		11.2.2 Machine learning
		11.2.3 Radiomics
	11.3 Steps of artificial intelligence-based diagnostic systems
		11.3.1 Image acquisition
		11.3.2 Image segmentation
		11.3.3 Feature extraction and qualifications
		11.3.4 Diagnostic analysis
	11.4 Texture analysis
		11.4.1 Principles
		11.4.2 Statistical techniques First-order statics Second-order statics
		11.4.3 Model-based methods
		11.4.4 Transform methods
		11.4.5 Texture parameters Filtration-histogram method Postprocessing software
	11.5 Clinical applications of artificial intelligence and radiomics
		11.5.1 Benign versus malignant renal tumors
		11.5.2 Renal cell carcinoma versus angiomyolipoma
		11.5.3 Renal cell carcinoma versus oncocytoma
		11.5.4 Renal cell carcinoma versus renal cyst
		11.5.5 Subtyping of renal cell carcinoma
		11.5.6 Grading of renal cell carcinoma
		11.5.7 Staging of renal cell carcinoma
		11.5.8 Characterization of small renal mass
	11.6 Merits and limitations
		11.6.1 Merits
		11.6.2 Limitations
	11.7 Future directions
	11.8 Conclusion
12 A review of texture-centric diagnostic models for thyroid cancer using convolutional neural networks and visualized text...
	12.1 Introduction
	12.2 Materials and collection protocols
		12.2.1 Study participants and raw data collection
		12.2.2 Nodule segmentation and apparent diffusion coefficient calculations
	12.3 Statistical analysis
	12.4 2D texture model
	12.5 3D texture model
	12.6 Texture analysis
	12.7 Results
		12.7.1 Statistical results
		12.7.2 Diagnostic accuracy of 2D model Ablation study Comparison with hand-crafted-based techniques
		12.7.3 Diagnostic accuracy of 3D model
		12.7.4 Texture pattern visualization
	12.8 Discussion
	12.9 Conclusion
Back Cover

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