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دانلود کتاب Polyether Antibiotics Naturally Occurring Acid Ionophores, Volume 2: Chemistry

دانلود کتاب آنتی بیوتیک های پلی اتر یونوفورهای اسیدی طبیعی، جلد 2: شیمی

Polyether Antibiotics Naturally Occurring Acid Ionophores, Volume 2: Chemistry

مشخصات کتاب

Polyether Antibiotics Naturally Occurring Acid Ionophores, Volume 2: Chemistry

ISBN (شابک) : 9780824718886, 0824718887 
ناشر: CRC Press 
سال نشر: 2023 
تعداد صفحات: 431
زبان: English 
فرمت فایل : PDF (درصورت درخواست کاربر به PDF، EPUB یا AZW3 تبدیل می شود) 
حجم فایل: 17 Mb 

قیمت کتاب (تومان) : 43,000

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توجه داشته باشید کتاب آنتی بیوتیک های پلی اتر یونوفورهای اسیدی طبیعی، جلد 2: شیمی نسخه زبان اصلی می باشد و کتاب ترجمه شده به فارسی نمی باشد. وبسایت اینترنشنال لایبرری ارائه دهنده کتاب های زبان اصلی می باشد و هیچ گونه کتاب ترجمه شده یا نوشته شده به فارسی را ارائه نمی دهد.

توضیحاتی درمورد کتاب به خارجی

فهرست مطالب

Half Title
Polyether Antibiotics: Naturally Occurring Acid lonophores. Volume 2: Chemistry
Contents of Volume 1: Biology
1. Chemical Synthesis
	I. Introduction
	II. Synthetic Methods
		A. β-Hydroxy Ketone
		B. Spiroketal
		C. Tetrahydrofurans
		D. Tetrahydropyrans
		E. 1,2-Stereochemistry
		F. Chiral Starting Materials
	III. Total Syntheses
		A. A23187 (Calcimycin)
		B. Evans Synthesis
		C. Grieco Synthesis
		D. Ogawa Synthesis
		E. Lasalocid A (X-537A)
		F. Kishi Synthesis
		G. Ireland Synthesis
		H. Monesin
		I. Kishi Synthesis
		J. Still Synthesis
2. Chemical Transformations of Polyether Antibiotics
	I. Introduction
	II. Lasalocid
		A. Chemical Modifications
		B. Biological Activity
	III. Monensin and Dianemycin
	IV. Nigericin and X-206
	V. Antiobiotic A204
		A. Chemical Modifications
		B. Biological Activity
	VI. Grisorixin and Alborixin
	VII. Lysocellin
		A. Chemical Modifications
		B. Biological Activity
	VIII. Lonomycin
		A. Chemical Modifications
		B. Biological Activity
	IX. Salinomycin
	X. Conclusions
3. X-Ray Structures of the Polyether Antibiotics
	I. Introduction
	II. Polyether Antibiotics
	III. Conclusion
4. Mass Spectrometry of Polyether Antibiotics
	I. Introduction
	II. General Considerations
	III. Alborixin Group
	IV. Dianemycin Group
	V. Lasalocid Group
	VI. Lysocellin Group
	VII. Miscellaneous Group
	VIII. Monensin Group
	IX. Nigericin Group
	X. Noboritomycin Group
	XI. Salinoraycin Group
	XII. Summary
5. Structure, Conformation, and Mechanism of Action as Revealed by Proton NMR
	I. Introduction
		Scope and Limitations of [sup(1)]H NMR Spectroscopy
	II. Stereo Notation and Coding
		A. Symbols
		B. Structural Representations of Some Carboxylic Acid Lonophores
		C. Stereoviews
		D. Spectral Representations
	III. Applied Methodology and Criteria
		A. General Considerations
		B. Operational Strategies
		C. [sup(1)]H Chemical Shifts and Their Predictability
		D. Coupling Constants and Conformation
		E. Hydroxy Groups
		F. ASIS Effects and Lipophilicity Index
	IV. Primary Structure and Predestination to Conformational Bias
		A. General Considerations: Definition of Hinges
		B. Conformational Rules
		C. Practical Applications of Conformational Rules: Static and Dynamic Features
	V. Conclusion
6. 13C NMR Spectra of Polyether Antibiotics
	I. Introduction
	II. Techniques Used for [sup(13)]C Assignments of Polyether Antibiotics
		A. Differentiation of Methyl, Methylene, Methine, and Quaternary Carbon Signals
		B. Selective Proton Decoupling
		C. Biosynthetic Labeling Method
	III. Classification of Polyether Antibiotics
	IV. 13C NMR Spectra of Polyether Antibiotics
		A. Group 1
		B. Group 2
		C. Group 3
		D. Group 4
		E. Group 5
	V. 13C Chemical Shift Trends of Polyether Antibiotics
		A. Some Empirical Rules for the Structural Elucidation of Polyether Antibiotics by [sup(13)]C NMR Spectroscopy
		B. Application of the "Empirical Rules" for the Structural Elucidation of Antibiotic 6016
	VI. Conclusion
Author Index
Subject Index

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