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دانلود کتاب More Java 17: An In-Depth Exploration of the Java Language and Its Features

دانلود کتاب جاوا 17 بیشتر: کاوشی عمیق در زبان جاوا و ویژگی های آن

More Java 17: An In-Depth Exploration of the Java Language and Its Features

مشخصات کتاب

More Java 17: An In-Depth Exploration of the Java Language and Its Features

دسته بندی: برنامه نویسی: زبان های برنامه نویسی
ویرایش: 3 
ISBN (شابک) : 1484271343, 9781484271346 
ناشر: Apress 
سال نشر: 2021 
تعداد صفحات: 970 
زبان: English 
فرمت فایل : PDF (درصورت درخواست کاربر به PDF، EPUB یا AZW3 تبدیل می شود) 
حجم فایل: 7 مگابایت 

قیمت کتاب (تومان) : 52,000

کلمات کلیدی مربوط به کتاب جاوا 17 بیشتر: کاوشی عمیق در زبان جاوا و ویژگی های آن: جاوا، جاوا 17

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       تعداد امتیاز دهندگان : 12

در صورت تبدیل فایل کتاب More Java 17: An In-Depth Exploration of the Java Language and Its Features به فرمت های PDF، EPUB، AZW3، MOBI و یا DJVU می توانید به پشتیبان اطلاع دهید تا فایل مورد نظر را تبدیل نمایند.

توجه داشته باشید کتاب جاوا 17 بیشتر: کاوشی عمیق در زبان جاوا و ویژگی های آن نسخه زبان اصلی می باشد و کتاب ترجمه شده به فارسی نمی باشد. وبسایت اینترنشنال لایبرری ارائه دهنده کتاب های زبان اصلی می باشد و هیچ گونه کتاب ترجمه شده یا نوشته شده به فارسی را ارائه نمی دهد.

توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب جاوا 17 بیشتر: کاوشی عمیق در زبان جاوا و ویژگی های آن

با ویژگی های ضروری و پیشرفته نسخه جاوا 17 کار کنید. این کتاب ویژگی هایی مانند حاشیه نویسی، بازتاب و کلیات را پوشش می دهد. سپس این موضوعات با جزئیات نحوه استفاده از عبارات لامبدا تکمیل می شود و به شما امکان می دهد برنامه های جاوا قدرتمند و کارآمد بسازید. علاوه بر این، به این نسخه اضافه شده است، موضوعاتی در مورد برنامه نویسی شبکه، جاوا RMI، API فرآیند و تصاویر زمان اجرا سفارشی پیدا خواهید کرد. نویسندگان بسیاری از نمودارها و برنامه های کامل را برای کمک به شما در تجسم و درک بهتر موضوعات مطرح شده در این کتاب ارائه می دهند.

Java 17، ویرایش سوم با مجموعه ای از فصل ها شروع می شود. در مورد ویژگی های زبان ضروری ارائه شده توسط جاوا قبل از حرکت به سمت توسعه و بسته بندی ماژول جاوا و بهبود تعامل با زبان های دیگر. پس از خواندن این کتاب، دانش یک برنامه نویس حرفه ای جاوا را خواهید داشت و می توانید با اطمینان بیشتر پروژه ها را انجام دهید.

آنچه یاد خواهید گرفت

  • از ویژگی های ضروری و پیشرفته زبان جاوا استفاده کنید
  • کد حاشیه نویسی جاوا
  • کار با بازتاب و کلیات
  • مدیریت جریان‌ها با Stream API

این کتاب برای چه کسی است

< p>کسانی که تازه وارد برنامه نویسی جاوا می شوند و به سفر یادگیری جاوا ادامه می دهند. توصیه می شود ابتدا یک کتاب مقدماتی برنامه نویسی جاوا، مانند Java 17 for Absolute Beginners را از Apress بخوانید.

توضیحاتی درمورد کتاب به خارجی

Work with the essential and advanced features of the Java 17 release. This book covers features such as annotations, reflection, and generics. These topics are then complemented by details of how to use lambda expressions, allowing you to build powerful and efficient Java programs. Furthermore, added to this edition you'll find topics on network programming, Java RMI, the process API, and custom runtime images.  The authors provide a multitude of diagrams and complete programs to help you visualize and better understand the topics covered in this book.

More Java 17, Third Edition starts with a series of chapters on the essential language features provided by Java before moving on to Java module development and packaging, and improved interop with other languages. After reading this book, you'll have the know-how of a professional Java programmer and be able to tackle most projects with confidence. 

What You Will Learn

  • Use essential and advanced features of the Java language
  • Code Java annotations
  • Work with reflection and generics
  • Manage streams with the Stream API

Who This Book Is For

Those new to Java programming who are continuing the Java learning journey; it is recommended that you read an introductory Java programming book first, such as Java 17 for Absolute Beginners, from Apress.

فهرست مطالب

Table of Contents
About the Authors
About the Technical Reviewers
Chapter 1: Annotations
	What Are Annotations?
	Declaring an Annotation Type
	Restrictions on Annotation Types
		Restriction #1
		Restriction #2
		Restriction #3
		Restriction #4
		Restriction #5
		Restriction #6
	Default Value of an Annotation Element
	Annotation Type and Its Instances
	Using Annotations
		Primitive Types
		String Types
		Class Types
		Enum Type
		Annotation Type
		Array Type Annotation Element
	No Null Value in an Annotation
	Shorthand Annotation Syntax
	Marker Annotation Types
	Meta-Annotation Types
		The Target Annotation Type
		The Retention Annotation Type
		The Inherited Annotation Type
		The Documented Annotation Type
		The Repeatable Annotation Type
	Commonly Used Standard Annotations
		Deprecating APIs
		Suppressing Named Compile-Time Warnings
		Overriding Methods
		Declaring Functional Interfaces
	Annotating Packages
	Annotating Modules
	Accessing Annotations at Runtime
	Evolving Annotation Types
	Annotation Processing at Source Code Level
Chapter 2: Reflection
	What Is Reflection?
	Reflection in Java
	Loading a Class
		Using Class Literals
		Using the Object::getClass() Method
		Using the Class::forName() Method
	Class Loaders
	Reflecting on Classes
	Reflecting on Fields
	Reflecting on Executables
		Reflecting on Methods
		Reflecting on Constructors
	Creating Objects
	Invoking Methods
	Accessing Fields
	Deep Reflection
		Deep Reflection Within a Module
		Deep Reflection Across Modules
		Deep Reflection and Unnamed Modules
		Deep Reflection on JDK Modules
	Reflecting on Arrays
	Expanding an Array
	Who Should Use Reflection?
Chapter 3: Generics
	What Are Generics?
	Supertype-Subtype Relationship
	Raw Types
	Unbounded Wildcards
	Upper-Bounded Wildcards
	Lower-Bounded Wildcards
	Generic Methods and Constructors
	Type Inference in Generic Object Creation
	No Generic Exception Classes
	No Generic Anonymous Classes
	Generics and Arrays
	Runtime Class Type of Generic Objects
	Heap Pollution
	Varargs Methods and Heap Pollution Warnings
Chapter 4: Lambda Expressions
	What Is a Lambda Expression?
	Why Do We Need Lambda Expressions?
	Syntax for Lambda Expressions
		Omitting Parameter Types
		Using Local Variable Syntax for Parameters
		Declaring a Single Parameter
		Declaring No Parameters
		Parameters with Modifiers
		Declaring the Body of Lambda Expressions
	Target Typing
	Functional Interfaces
		Using the @FunctionalInterface Annotation
		Generic Functional Interface
		Intersection Type and Lambda Expressions
		Commonly Used Functional Interfaces
		Using the Function Interface
		Using the Predicate Interface
		Using Functional Interfaces
	Method References
		Static Method References
		Instance Method References
		Supertype Instance Method References
		Constructor References
		Generic Method References
	Lexical Scoping
	Variable Capture
	Jumps and Exits
	Recursive Lambda Expressions
	Comparing Objects
Chapter 5: Threads
	What Is a Thread?
	Creating Threads in Java
	Specifying Your Code for a Thread
		Inheriting Your Class from the Thread Class
		Implementing the Runnable Interface
		Using a Method Reference
		A Quick Example
	Using Multiple Threads in a Program
	Issues in Using Multiple Threads
	Java Memory Model
	Object’s Monitor and Thread Synchronization
		Rule #1
		Rule #2
	The Producer/Consumer Synchronization Problem
	Which Thread Is Executing?
	Letting a Thread Sleep
	I Will Join You in Heaven
	Be Considerate to Others and Yield
	Lifecycle of a Thread
	Priority of a Thread
	Is It a Demon or a Daemon?
	Am I Interrupted?
	Threads Work in a Group
	Volatile Variables
	Stopping, Suspending, and Resuming Threads
	Spin-Wait Hints
	Handling an Uncaught Exception in a Thread
	Thread Concurrency Packages
	Atomic Variables
		Scalar Atomic Variable Classes
		Atomic Array Classes
		Atomic Field Updater Classes
		Atomic Compound Variable Classes
	Explicit Locks
	The Executor Framework
		Result-Bearing Tasks
		Scheduling a Task
		Handling Uncaught Exceptions in a Task Execution
		Executor’s Completion Service
	The Fork/Join Framework
		Steps in Using the Fork/Join Framework
			Step 1: Declaring a Class to Represent a Task
			Step 2: Implementing the compute() Method
			Step 3: Creating a Fork/Join Thread Pool
			Step 4: Creating the Fork/Join Task
			Step 5: Submitting the Task to the Fork/Join Pool for Execution
		A Fork/Join Example
	Thread-Local Variables
	Setting Stack Size of a Thread
Chapter 6: Streams
	What Are Streams?
		Streams Have No Storage
		Infinite Streams
		Internal Iteration vs. External Iteration
		Imperative vs. Functional
		Stream Operations
		Ordered Streams
		Streams Are Not Reusable
		Architecture of the Streams API
	A Quick Example
	Creating Streams
		Streams from Values
		Empty Streams
		Streams from Functions
		Streams from Arrays
		Streams from Collections
		Streams from Files
		Streams from Other Sources
	Representing an Optional Value
	Applying Operations to Streams
		Debugging a Stream Pipeline
		Applying the ForEach Operation
		Applying the Map Operation
		Flattening Streams
		Applying the Filter Operation
		Applying the Reduce Operation
	Collecting Data Using Collectors
	Collecting Summary Statistics
	Collecting Data in Maps
	Joining Strings Using Collectors
	Grouping Data
	Partitioning Data
	Adapting the Collector Results
	Finding and Matching in Streams
	Parallel Streams
Chapter 7: Implementing Services
	What Is a Service?
	Discovering Services
	Providing Service Implementations
	Defining the Service Interface
	Obtaining Service Provider Instances
	Defining the Service
	Defining Service Providers
		Defining a Default Prime Service Provider
		Defining a Faster Prime Service Provider
		Defining a Probable Prime Service Provider
	Testing the Prime Service
	Testing Prime Service in Legacy Mode
Chapter 8: Network Programming
	What Is Network Programming?
	Network Protocol Suite
	IP Addressing Scheme
		IPv4 Addressing Scheme
		IPv6 Addressing Scheme
	Special IP Addresses
		Loopback IP Address
		Unicast IP Address
		Multicast IP Address
		Anycast IP Address
		Broadcast IP Address
		Unspecified IP Address
	Port Numbers
	Socket API and Client-Server Paradigm
		The Socket Primitive
		The Bind Primitive
		The Listen Primitive
		The Accept Primitive
		The Connect Primitive
		The Send/Sendto Primitive
		The Receive/ReceiveFrom Primitive
		The Close Primitive
	Representing a Machine Address
	Representing a Socket Address
	Creating a TCP Server Socket
	Creating a TCP Client Socket
	Putting a TCP Server and Clients Together
	Working with UDP Sockets
	Creating a UDP Echo Server
	A Connected UDP Socket
	UDP Multicast Sockets
	URI, URL, and URN
	URI and URL As Java Objects
	Accessing the Contents of a URL
	Non-blocking Socket Programming
	Socket Security Permissions
	Asynchronous Socket Channels
		Setting Up an Asynchronous Server Socket Channel
		Setting Up an Asynchronous Client Socket Channel
		Putting the Server and the Client Together
	Datagram-Oriented Socket Channels
		Creating the Datagram Channel
		Setting the Channel Options
		Sending Datagrams
	Multicasting Using Datagram Channels
		Creating the Datagram Channel
		Setting the Channel Options
		Binding the Channel
		Setting the Multicast Network Interface
		Joining the Multicast Group
		Receiving a Message
		Closing the Channel
	Further Reading
Chapter 9: Java Remote Method Invocation
	What Is Java Remote Method Invocation?
	The RMI Architecture
	Developing an RMI Application
		Writing the Remote Interface
		Implementing the Remote Interface
		Writing the RMI Server Program
		Writing the RMI Client Program
	Separating the Server and Client Code
	Running the RMI Application
		Running the RMI Registry
		Running the RMI Server
		Running an RMI Client Program
		Troubleshooting an RMI Application
	Debugging an RMI Application
	Dynamic Class Downloading
	Garbage Collection of Remote Objects
Chapter 10: Scripting in Java
	What Is Scripting in Java?
	Installing Script Engines in Maven
	Executing Your First Script
	Using Other Scripting Languages
	Exploring the javax.script Package
		The ScriptEngine and ScriptEngineFactory Interfaces
		The AbstractScriptEngine Class
		The ScriptEngineManager Class
		The Compilable Interface and the CompiledScript Class
		The Invocable Interface
		The Bindings Interface and the SimpleBindings Class
		The ScriptContext Interface and the SimpleScriptContext Class
		The ScriptException Class
		Discovering and Instantiating Script Engines
	Executing Scripts
	Passing Parameters
		Passing Parameters from Java Code to Scripts
		Passing Parameters from Scripts to Java Code
	Advanced Parameter Passing Techniques
		Defining the Script Context
		Putting Them Together
	Using a Custom ScriptContext
	Return Value of the eval( ) Method
	Reserved Keys for Engine Scope Bindings
	Changing the Default ScriptContext
	Sending Script Output to a File
	Invoking Procedures in Scripts
	Implementing Java Interfaces in Scripts
	Using Compiled Scripts
	Using Java in Scripting Languages
		Declaring Variables
		Importing Java Classes
	Implementing a Script Engine
		The Expression Class
		The JKScriptEngine Class
		The JKScriptEngineFactory Class
		Packaging the JKScript Files
		Using the JKScript Script Engine
	JavaFX in Groovy
Chapter 11: Process API
	What Is the Process API?
	Knowing the Runtime Environment
	The Current Process
	Querying the Process State
	Comparing Processes
	Creating a Process
	Obtaining a Process Handle
	Terminating Processes
	Managing Process Permissions
Chapter 12: Packaging Modules
	The JAR Format
		What Is a Multi-release JAR?
		Creating Multi-release JARs
		Rules for Multi-release JARs
		Multi-release JARs and JAR URL
		Multi-release Manifest Attribute
	The JMOD Format
		Using the jmod Tool
Chapter 13: Custom Runtime Images
	What Is a Custom Runtime Image?
	Creating Custom Runtime Images
	Binding Services
	Using Plugins with the jlink Tool
	The jimage Tool
Chapter 14: Miscellanea
	Deleted Chapters from Previous Editions
	More JDK17 Novelties
		Local Variables with Automatic Types
		Launch Single-File Source Code Programs
		Enhanced switch Statements
		Text Blocks
		Enhanced instanceof Operator
		Value Classes: Records
		Sealed Classes
Appendix: Solutions to the Exercises
	Exercises in Chapter 1
	Exercises in Chapter 2
	Exercises in Chapter 3
	Exercises in Chapter 4
	Exercises in Chapter 5
	Exercises in Chapter 6
	Exercises in Chapter 7
	Exercises in Chapter 8
	Exercises in Chapter 9
	Exercises in Chapter 10
	Exercises in Chapter 11
	Exercises in Chapter 12
	Exercises in Chapter 13

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