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دانلود کتاب Mastering React Native: A Comprehensive Guide to Learn React Native

دانلود کتاب تسلط بر React Native: راهنمای جامع برای یادگیری React Native

Mastering React Native: A Comprehensive Guide to Learn React Native

مشخصات کتاب

Mastering React Native: A Comprehensive Guide to Learn React Native

ناشر: Cybellium Ltd 
سال نشر: 2024 
تعداد صفحات: 315 
زبان: English 
فرمت فایل : PDF (درصورت درخواست کاربر به PDF، EPUB یا AZW3 تبدیل می شود) 
حجم فایل: 2 Mb 

قیمت کتاب (تومان) : 31,000

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توجه داشته باشید کتاب تسلط بر React Native: راهنمای جامع برای یادگیری React Native نسخه زبان اصلی می باشد و کتاب ترجمه شده به فارسی نمی باشد. وبسایت اینترنشنال لایبرری ارائه دهنده کتاب های زبان اصلی می باشد و هیچ گونه کتاب ترجمه شده یا نوشته شده به فارسی را ارائه نمی دهد.

توضیحاتی درمورد کتاب به خارجی

فهرست مطالب

1. Introduction to React Native
	1.1. Understanding the Significance of React Native
	1.2. Overview of Cross-Platform Mobile App Development
	1.3. Benefits of Mastering React Native
	1.4. Navigating the React Native Learning Journey
2. Fundamentals of Mobile App Development
	2.1. Basics of Mobile App Development
	2.2. Key Concepts and Terminology in App Development
	2.3. The Role of React Native in Cross-Platform Development
	2.4. Choosing React Native over Native Development
3. Setting Up Your React Native Development Environment
	3.1. Installing React Native and Required Tools
	3.2. React Native Development on Different Platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux)
	3.3. Configuring Emulators and Devices
	3.4. React Native Development Best Practices
4. Your First React Native App
	4.1. Creating a Simple React Native App
	4.2. Understanding the React Native Project Structure
	4.3. UI Components and React Native CLI
	4.4. Running Your App on Emulators and Devices
5. React Native UI Components
	5.1. Introduction to React Native UI Components
	5.2. Styling with Flexbox and CSS in React Native
	5.3. Buttons, Lists, and Forms in React Native
	5.4. Advanced UI Elements and Customization in React Native
6. State Management and Redux in React Native
	6.1. Managing State in React Native
	6.2. Redux Fundamentals
	6.3. Implementing Redux in React Native
	6.4. Asynchronous Actions and Middleware
7. Navigation and Routing in React Native
	7.1. Navigating in React Native Apps
	7.2. React Navigation Library
	7.3. Tab Navigation and Stack Navigation
	7.4. Deep Linking and Routing Strategies
8. Working with APIs and Data
	8.1. Accessing APIs in React Native Apps
	8.2. Fetching Data and Making HTTP Requests
	8.3. Data Storage with AsyncStorage and SQLite
	8.4. Offline Data Access and Synchronization
9. React Native and Native Features
	9.1. Accessing Native Device Features
	9.2. React Native Modules and Native APIs
	9.3. Camera, Geolocation, and Sensors
	9.4. Integrating Device Capabilities
10. Testing and Debugging React Native Apps
	10.1. Unit Testing in React Native
	10.2. Debugging and Profiling React Native Apps
	10.3. Emulator and Device Testing in React Native
	10.4. Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD) in React Native Development
11. React Native Performance Optimization
	11.1. Improving App Startup Time in React Native
	11.2. Memory Management and Performance Profiling in React Native
	11.3. Reducing App Size and Resource Consumption in React Native
	11.4. Improving UI Responsiveness in React Native
12. React Native Security and Best Practices
	12.1. App Security Considerations
	12.2. Securing Data Transmission
	12.3. Implementing Authentication and Authorization
	12.4. React Native Coding Standards and Code Reviews
13. Advanced Topics in React Native Development
	13.1. Building Custom Native Modules in React Native
	13.2. Authentication with Firebase in React Native
	13.3. React Native for Web and Universal Apps
	13.4. React Native in Augmented Reality (AR)
14. React Native Career Development
	14.1. Advancing Your React Native Career
	14.2. React Native Certifications and Training
	14.3. Building a Successful Career Path in React Native
	14.4. Networking and Professional Development in React Native
15. Challenges and Future Trends in React Native
	15.1. Common Challenges in React Native Development
	15.2. Emerging Technologies in Mobile Development
	15.3. React Native in a Post-COVID World: Navigating New Realities
	15.4. The Future of React Native and Career Opportunities
16. Appendix
	16.1. Glossary of React Native Terms
	16.2. Recommended Reading and Resources
	16.3. React Native Case Studies and Projects
	16.4. Additional Learning Materials for Mastering React Native
	16.5. About the author

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