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از ساعت 7 صبح تا 10 شب

دانلود کتاب Lead 65. Edited Proceedings, Second International Conference on Lead, Arnhem

دانلود کتاب سرب 65. مجموعه مقالات ویرایش شده، دومین کنفرانس بین المللی سرب، آرنهم

Lead 65. Edited Proceedings, Second International Conference on Lead, Arnhem

مشخصات کتاب

Lead 65. Edited Proceedings, Second International Conference on Lead, Arnhem

ISBN (شابک) : 9780080114255 
ناشر: Elsevier 
سال نشر: 1967 
تعداد صفحات: 319 
زبان: English 
فرمت فایل : PDF (درصورت درخواست کاربر به PDF، EPUB یا AZW3 تبدیل می شود) 
حجم فایل: 27 مگابایت 

قیمت کتاب (تومان) : 28,000

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توجه داشته باشید کتاب سرب 65. مجموعه مقالات ویرایش شده، دومین کنفرانس بین المللی سرب، آرنهم نسخه زبان اصلی می باشد و کتاب ترجمه شده به فارسی نمی باشد. وبسایت اینترنشنال لایبرری ارائه دهنده کتاب های زبان اصلی می باشد و هیچ گونه کتاب ترجمه شده یا نوشته شده به فارسی را ارائه نمی دهد.

توضیحاتی درمورد کتاب به خارجی

فهرست مطالب

Front Matter, Page i
Copyright, Page ii
Preface, Page iii
Trends in World Lead Consumption, Pages 1-4, R.L. STUBBS
The Structure and Properties of Dispersion Hardened Lead, Pages 7-16, J.A. LUND, E.G. von TIESENHAUSEN, D. TROMANS
Dispersion Strengthened Lead for Cable Sheathing, Pages 17-30, S.T. GAZZARD, D.H. ROBERTS, J.C. MOORE, N.A. RATCLIFF
Dispersion Strengthened Lead. Properties and Potentialities in Chemical Plant and some Early Field Trials, Pages 31-34, A. LLOYD, E.R. NEWSON
Joint Discussion, Pages 35-51, Lund, Gazzard, Lloyd
Some Experiments on Factors Affecting the Extrusion of Lead and Lead Alloys in a Continuous Screw Extrusion Machine, Pages 55-70, W.W. KRYSKO, J.E. BOWERS, V.H. WADHWANI
Discussion, Pages 71-72
The Fatigue of Lead Cable Sheath Materials, Pages 73-78, P. GREGORY, D. McALLISTER
Discussion, Pages 79-83
Tests on Thirteen Different Lead Cable Sheathing Materials, Pages 85-98, J. BECKMANN
Service Performance of Lead Sheathed Cables Subject to Thermal Movement, Pages 99-106, W. HOLDUP, R.G. BUNCE
Discussion, Page 107
The Lead Sheath in German Power Cable Practice, Pages 109-123, H. BAX, E. von WIARDA
Discussion, Page 124
Pirelli General Lead Extruding Machine: Die Centralizing Head, Pages 125-128, V. TOBIA
New Developments in Hydraulic Presses for Lead Cable Sheathing, Pages 129-137, W. ISERT
Some Aspects of Sheathing Cables with the Hansson-Robertson No. 3 Continuous Extrusion Machine, Pages 139-144, T.S. GAYNOR
Progress in the Continuous Extrusion of Lead-Alloyed Cable Sheath, Pages 145-156, A. ZAUSZNICA
Production Experiments and Modifications to Hansson-Robertson Extruder, Pages 157-162, J.G. VOGEL
Recent Modifications to the Hansson-Robertson Continuous Lead Extruder, Page 163, A. RUNEVALL
Joint Discussion, Pages 164-167, Zausznica, Gaynor, Vogel, Runevall
Battery Electric Road Vehicles, Pages 171-178, B.S. HENDER
Batteries for Industrial Trucks, Pages 179-182, I.S. PAYNE
Battery-Driven Railcars, Pages 183-188, H. JACOB
Joint Discussion, Pages 189-192, Hender, Payne, Jacob
Maintenance-Free Lead Storage Batteries, Pages 193-197, J.R. SMYTH, J.P. MALLOY, D.T. FERRELL Jr.
Miniature Sealed Lead Acid Batteries and their Automatic Charging, Pages 199-207, K. EBERTS, O. JACHE
Joint Discussion, Pages 209-210, Ferrell, Eberts
The Development of Grid Casting Machines and Oxide Mills, Pages 211-214, W.B. WILLIAMS
Discussion, Pages 215-218
Additives for Low Temperature Battery Operation, Pages 219-224, S.C. BARNES
Discussion, Pages 225-226
New Developments in Tubular Lead Acid Batteries, Pages 227-233, E. SUNDBERG
Discussion, Page 234
Quality Control in the Design, Manufacture and Sale of Automotive Lead-Acid Batteries, Pages 235-241, J.V. TIERNEY Jr., C.K. MOREHOUSE
Discussion, Page 242
Corrosion Resistance of Lead in Sulphuric Acid under Static and Alternating Stress, Pages 245-255, W. HOFMANN, H.J. ENGEL, P. WEHR
Discussion, Page 256
Some New Approaches to the Use of Lead in the Construction of Chemical Pipes and Containers, Pages 257-260, H. KLANT
Discussion, Page 261
Homogeneous Lead Coatings on Steel, Pages 263-268, W.W. KRYSKO
Discussion, Pages 269-271
Lead in a Noisy World - the Making of a Market, Pages 273-279, L.I. GOFF, A.L.J. OAKLEY, L.N. ROWE, R.D. SEMMENS
Recent Developments for Lead in Sound Control, Pages 281-286, PAUL B. OSTERGAARD
The Use of Thin Lead Sheets for Sound Insulating Partitions, Pages 287-289, L. CREMER, A.V. MEIER
Joint Discussion, Pages 290-294, Goff, Oakley, Rowe, Semmens, Ostergaard, Cremer, Meier
Lead Products by Continuous Casting, Pages 295-306, L.I. GOFF, R.D. SEMMENS
Discussion, Pages 307-309
Lead-Asbestos Anti-Vibration Pads in the United States, Pages 311-317, DAVID M. BORCINA
Discussion, Page 318
The Production of High Purity Lead, Pages 319-322, G. BARALIS
Discussion, Page 323
New Developments in Organolead Chemistry, Pages 325-330, G.J.M. van der KERK
Discussion, Page 331
List of Delegates, Pages 333-337

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