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از ساعت 7 صبح تا 10 شب

دانلود کتاب Ideas Against Ideocracy: Non-Marxist Thought of the Late Soviet Period (1953–1991)

دانلود کتاب ایده های ضد ایدئوکراسی: تفکر غیر مارکسیستی اواخر دوره شوروی (1953-1991)

Ideas Against Ideocracy: Non-Marxist Thought of the Late Soviet Period (1953–1991)

مشخصات کتاب

Ideas Against Ideocracy: Non-Marxist Thought of the Late Soviet Period (1953–1991)

ISBN (شابک) : 1501350595, 9781501350597 
ناشر: Bloomsbury Academic 
سال نشر: 2021 
تعداد صفحات: 281 
زبان: English 
فرمت فایل : PDF (درصورت درخواست کاربر به PDF، EPUB یا AZW3 تبدیل می شود) 
حجم فایل: 5 مگابایت 

قیمت کتاب (تومان) : 31,000

ثبت امتیاز به این کتاب

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       تعداد امتیاز دهندگان : 13

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توجه داشته باشید کتاب ایده های ضد ایدئوکراسی: تفکر غیر مارکسیستی اواخر دوره شوروی (1953-1991) نسخه زبان اصلی می باشد و کتاب ترجمه شده به فارسی نمی باشد. وبسایت اینترنشنال لایبرری ارائه دهنده کتاب های زبان اصلی می باشد و هیچ گونه کتاب ترجمه شده یا نوشته شده به فارسی را ارائه نمی دهد.

توضیحاتی درمورد کتاب به خارجی

فهرست مطالب

Introduction: Philosophy, the State, and Plato-Marxism
Part 1 The Philosophy of National Spirit. Conservatism, Eurasianism, and Traditionalism
	1. The Search for National Identity. Traditions and New Challenges
	2. The Neo-Slavophile Revival in Aesthetics and Criticism. Petr Palievsky and Vadim Kozhinov
	3. Other Neo-Slavophiles and Nationalists of the 1960s–1970s
	4. Nation as Personality. The Moral Conservatism of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
	5. From Anti-Socialism to Anti-Semitism. Igor Shafarevich
	6. The Philosophy of Ethnicity. Neo-Eurasianism. Lev Gumilev
	7. Radical Traditionalism and Neofascism. Aleksandr Dugin
Part 2 Religious Thought. Orthodox Christianity
	1. Major Expatriate Theologians
		a. The Revival of Theology. Georges Florovsky
		b. The Liturgical Philosophy of Alexander Schmemann
		c. The Existential Orthodoxy of Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh
	2. Science and Theology. Archbishop Luka (Valentin Voino-Iasenetsky)
	3. The Christian Intuitivism of Boris Pasternak
	4. Christian Socialism. Anatolii Krasnov-Levitin
	5. Atheism as the Forerunner of Spiritual Rebirth
	6. The Dialogue between Believers and Atheists. Sergei Zheludkov and Kronid Liubarsky
	7. Christianity and the New Humanism. Secularization and the Intelligentsia
	8. The Philosophy of Christian Synthesis. Aleksandr Men
	9. The Generation of Neophytes and Theological Innovations
		a. Postmodernist Perspectives on Christianity. Tatiana Goricheva
		b. Christian Energetism. Sergei Khoruzhii
Part 3 Mysticism, Universalism, and Cosmism
	1. General Features of Russian Mysticism
	2. Religious Universalism and Metahistory. Daniil Andreev and
		a. The Spiritual System of the World
		b. The Theocratic State of the Future and the Coming of the Antichrist
		c. The Feminine in Russian Thought. Sophiology and Materialism
		d. Andreev’s Mysticism of Femininity
		e. The Internal Ironies of Theocratic Thought: Utopia as Eschatology
	3. Cosmism and Active Evolutionism
		a. The Sources of Cosmism
		b. The Variety of Cosmist Perspectives
		c. Svetlana Semenova. The Theology and Technology of Active Evolution
	4. The Religion of Absolute Self and the Abyss of Negativity. Iurii Mamleev
Part 4 Postmodernist Thought. Conceptualism
	1. The Origins of Conceptualism
	2. The Archaic Postmodernism of Andrei Siniavsky
	3. The Satirical Metaphysics of Aleksandr Zinoviev40
	4. The Metaphysics of Emptiness. The Philosophical Installations of Ilya Kabakov
	5. The Philosophy of Sots-Art and Morality of Eclecticism. Vitalii Komar and Aleksandr Melamid
	6. Shimmering Aesthetics. Dmitrii Prigov
	7. The Canonization of Emptiness. The Medical Hermeneutics Inspectorate
	8. Postmodernism versus Soviet Utopianism and Western Demythologization. Boris Groys
	9. Academic Postmodernism. Valerii Podoroga
Epilogue: The End of Soviet Philosophy and Strategies for the Future
	1. The Critique of the Russian Ideocratic Tradition
	2. New Metaphysical Radicals
	3. Conceptualism versus Metaphysical Radicalism
	4. The Symbiosis of Radical Metaphysics and Conceptualism
	1. The Circular Paths of Ideocracy
	2. The Comedy of Ideas and the Tragedy of Ideocracy
	3. Philosophy and the Philosophical
Appendix: Original Russian and Other Foreign-Language Titles
Name Index
Subject Index
Name Index
Subject Index

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