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دانلود کتاب Healing the Heart of the Earth: Restoring the Subtle Levels of Life

دانلود کتاب شفا بخشیدن به قلب زمین: بازگرداندن سطوح ظریف زندگی

Healing the Heart of the Earth: Restoring the Subtle Levels of Life

مشخصات کتاب

Healing the Heart of the Earth: Restoring the Subtle Levels of Life

دسته بندی: زمين شناسي
ISBN (شابک) : 9781899171576 
ناشر: Findhorn Press 
سال نشر: 1998 
تعداد صفحات: 265 
زبان: English 
فرمت فایل : PDF (درصورت درخواست کاربر به PDF، EPUB یا AZW3 تبدیل می شود) 
حجم فایل: 2 مگابایت 

قیمت کتاب (تومان) : 53,000

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       تعداد امتیاز دهندگان : 14

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توضیحاتی درمورد کتاب به خارجی

فهرست مطالب

Contents......Page 6
Introduction......Page 8
I What is Earth Healing?......Page 12
II Realms and Levels of Earth Healing......Page 22
1. Jesenice: the blocking of a star-shaped energy centre......Page 27
2. Villach, Bern, Berlin: further problems of star-shaped centres......Page 31
3. Vogr.sv cek: an artificial surplus of female energies in the landscape......Page 39
4. Cologne: the bitter fate of one of the heart chakras of the Earth......Page 42
5. Brasilia: a capital is built on a female power point......Page 52
6. Endangered earth energy lines......Page 56
7. Graz: a leyline that fell victim to manipulation during the Nazi era......Page 61
8. Invisible energy installation: the BerlinWall......Page 65
9. Salzburg: the wrung-out heart of the city......Page 69
10. Lake Constance: a balancing organ is paralysed......Page 75
11. Ousted elemental beings......Page 77
12. Innsbruck: where shall we put the uprooted fairies of place?......Page 83
13. The shadow side of rapid urban expansion......Page 86
14. The landscape as war victim......Page 91
III Personal Transformation is Essential for Earth Healing......Page 98
1. The ego as adversary......Page 100
2. The elemental self......Page 104
3. Grounding the energies of the soul......Page 109
4. The sub-elemental level of space......Page 112
5. The holistic human being and the SnowWhite model......Page 121
6. The Grail myth and the invisible family......Page 128
IV Perception as a Tool for Diagnosis......Page 136
1. A dream message as a call for help......Page 138
2. Unexpected pointers to problems in an area......Page 141
3. Events that uncover a trace......Page 143
4. Bodily alarm bells......Page 144
5. Body signals as an expression of spiritual guidance......Page 146
6. Help from elemental beings......Page 149
7. An exercise for inner vision......Page 151
8. Yardstick for the health of a place......Page 154
V Methods of Earth Healing......Page 158
1. Space acupuncture points and cosmograms......Page 160
2. Healing through group singing......Page 169
3. The power of colour......Page 178
4. Patterns of dance......Page 181
5. Creative imagination......Page 188
6. Earth-healing rituals......Page 194
7. Lithopuncture treatment of places and landscapes......Page 198
8. Releasing elemental beings......Page 207
VI Dealing with Destructive Forces......Page 212
1. The figure of the adversary......Page 215
2. How destructive forces manifest in a space......Page 220
3. Breaking into the astral plane and projections......Page 224
4. Arch-elemental demons......Page 229
5. Trapped soul-remnants......Page 232
VII Earth Healing on the Personal Level......Page 238
1. Homes and gardens......Page 239
2. A method of space healing by placing crystals......Page 250
3.What each of us can do......Page 253
4. An Earth-healing meditation......Page 257
Afterword The Earth is Changing......Page 260

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