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دانلود کتاب Emotion and Information Processing: A Practical Approach

دانلود کتاب پردازش احساسات و اطلاعات: رویکردی عملی

Emotion and Information Processing: A Practical Approach

مشخصات کتاب

Emotion and Information Processing: A Practical Approach

ISBN (شابک) : 9783030488482 
ناشر: Springer 
سال نشر: 2020 
تعداد صفحات: 222
زبان: English 
فرمت فایل : PDF (درصورت درخواست کاربر به PDF، EPUB یا AZW3 تبدیل می شود) 
حجم فایل: 5 Mb 

قیمت کتاب (تومان) : 33,000

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توجه داشته باشید کتاب پردازش احساسات و اطلاعات: رویکردی عملی نسخه زبان اصلی می باشد و کتاب ترجمه شده به فارسی نمی باشد. وبسایت اینترنشنال لایبرری ارائه دهنده کتاب های زبان اصلی می باشد و هیچ گونه کتاب ترجمه شده یا نوشته شده به فارسی را ارائه نمی دهد.

توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب پردازش احساسات و اطلاعات: رویکردی عملی

این کتاب مشتمل بر سیزده فصل است که بسیاری از حقایق مانند مداخله روانی-اجتماعی بر اختلالات هیجانی در افراد، تأثیر هیجان و شناخت بر تئوری ترکیبی، نظریه و دلالت پردازش اطلاعات، تأثیرات عزت نفس عاطفی در زنان، بعد عاطفی زنان در محیط کار را در بر می گیرد. تأثیر تفکر ذهنی در گروه‌های سنی مختلف صرف نظر از جنسیت، هیجان‌های منفی و تأثیر آن بر پردازش اطلاعات، نقش هیجان‌ها در آموزش و در نهایت تحلیل عاطفی در حوزه چند دیدگاه با اتخاذ رویکرد یادگیری ماشینی. اکثر فصول دارای مطالعات تجربی هستند و هر آزمایش دارای ساختارهای مختلف و همچنین نمونه های متفاوت برای هر مجموعه داده است. اکثر مطالعات پردازش اطلاعات را در حالت‌های خلقی تغییریافته، مانند افسردگی، اضطراب، یا حالات هیجانی مثبت، با وظایف توانایی ذهنی که علاوه بر آزمایش‌های طراحی شبه تجربی انجام می‌شوند، اندازه‌گیری می‌کنند.

توضیحاتی درمورد کتاب به خارجی

This book consists of thirteen chapters covering many facts like psycho-social intervention on emotional disorders in individuals, impact of emotion and cognition on blended theory, theory and implication of information processing, effects of emotional self esteem in women, emotional dimension of women in workplace, effects of mental thinking in different age groups irrespective of the gender, negative emotions and its effect on information processing, role of emotions in education and lastly emotional analysis in multi perspective domain adopting machine learning approach. Most of the chapters having experimental studies, with each experiment having different constructs as well as different samples for each data collection. Most of the studies measure information processing within altered mood states, such as depression, anxiety, or positive emotional states, with mental ability tasks being conducted in addition to the experiments of quasi-experimental design.

فهرست مطالب

About the Author
Chapter 1: Effect of Emotion in Information Processing for Decision-Making
	1.1 Five Steps in Decision-Making
	1.2 Good or Bad Decision?
	1.3 Act of Thinking in Decision-Making
	1.4 Emotion in Decision-Making
	1.5 Emotion Mediating the Information Process During the Decision-Making
	1.6 Conclusion
Chapter 2: Impact of Psychosocial Intervention on Emotional Disorders and Medication Adherence in HIV/AIDS
	2.1 Introduction
	2.2 Method
		2.2.1 Design
		2.2.2 Ethical Concern
		2.2.3 Procedure
		2.2.4 Measures
		2.2.5 Statistical Analysis
	2.3 Result
		2.3.1 Clinical Descriptions Case 1 Case 2 Cases 3 and 4 Case 5 Case 6
	2.4 Discussion
		2.4.1 Limitation and Future Direction
		2.4.2 Implication and Contribution
Chapter 3: Blended Learning and Its Impact on Cognition and Emotion
	3.1 Introduction
		3.1.1 Blended Learning
		3.1.2 Learning Platforms
		3.1.3 Blended Learning types
		3.1.4 Advantages of Blended Learning
		3.1.5 Blended Learning in the Workplace
		3.1.6 Reasons Why Blended Learning Is Effective
		3.1.7 Power of Audio-Visual Medium
		3.1.8 AI a Game Changer
	3.2 Emotional States and Learning Outcomes
		3.2.1 Is There Any Cognitive and Emotional Link Connecting These Two to Online Learning?
		3.2.2 Retrieval
		3.2.3 Spaced Retrieval
		3.2.4 Heightened Attention Level
		3.2.5 Challenge
Chapter 4: Theory and Implications of Information Processing
	4.1 Introduction
	4.2 The Emergence of Information Processing
	4.3 Theories of Information Processing
		4.3.1 Levels of Processing
		4.3.2 Dual Coding Theory
		4.3.3 Schema Theory, Parallel Distributed Processing, and Connectionist Models
	4.4 Types of Information Processing
		4.4.1 Natural Information Processing System
	4.5 Technical Information Processing System
		4.5.1 Stages of Information Processing Cycle
	4.6 Memory
		4.6.1 The Stage Model
		4.6.2 Sensory Memory
		4.6.3 Short-Term or Working Memory
	4.7 Computer–Mind Analogy (Fig. 4.3)
		4.7.1 How Does Psychology Relate to Information Processing?
		4.7.2 Metacognition
	4.8 Implications and Applications of Information Processing
	4.9 Summary
Chapter 5: Effect on the Emotional Self-Esteem of Women with Reference to Make-Up
	5.1 Introduction
	5.2 Objectives of the Study
	5.3 Literature Review
	5.4 Conceptual Framework
	5.5 Hypothesis
	5.6 Methodology
	5.7 Data Analysis
		5.7.1 Finding out the Response Rate (Table 5.1)
		5.7.2 Finding out Descriptive Statistics Frequencies (Table 5.2)
		5.7.3 Reliability
		5.7.4 Using Mean and Standard Deviation
		5.7.5 Hypothesis 1
		5.7.6 Using Correlation and Regression Analysis
		5.7.7 Using Regression to Prove Hypothesis
		5.7.8 Hypothesis 2
		5.7.9 Using Correlation and Regression Analysis
		5.7.10 Using Regression to Prove Hypothesis
		5.7.11 Hypothesis 3
		5.7.12 Using Correlation Analysis
		5.7.13 Using Regression to Prove Hypothesis
		5.7.14 Hypothesis 4
		5.7.15 Using Correlation and Regression Analysis
		5.7.16 Using Regression to Prove Hypothesis
	5.8 Findings
	5.9 Conclusion
	5.10 Limitations
	5.11 Recommendations
Chapter 6: Behavioral and Emotional Dimensions of Sexual Harassment at Workplace
	6.1 Introduction
		6.1.1 Start of the MeToo Movement
	6.2 Review of Literature
	6.3 Objectives
	6.4 Research Methodology
	6.5 Hypothesis Testing and Analysis
	6.6 Conclusion
Chapter 7: The Effect of Age, Gender, and Arousal Level on Categorizing Human Affective States
	7.1 Introduction
	7.2 Application Domain of Speech Emotion Characterization
		7.2.1 Tutoring System
		7.2.2 Lie Detection
		7.2.3 Banking
		7.2.4 Recruitments
		7.2.5 Security
		7.2.6 In-Car Board System
		7.2.7 Prosody in Dialog System
		7.2.8 Emotion Recognition in Call Center
		7.2.9 Voice Mail
		7.2.10 Computer Games/Web Movies
		7.2.11 Diagnostic Tool by Speech Therapists
		7.2.12 Robots
	7.3 Feature Extraction
		7.3.1 Spectrum Variance
		7.3.2 Cepstrum Magnitude
		7.3.3 Autocorrelation Coefficients (ACF)
		7.3.4 Pitch or Fundamental Frequency (F0)
		7.3.5 Speech Rate
		7.3.6 Zero-Crossing Rate (ZCR)
		7.3.7 Log Energy
		7.3.8 Spectral Centroid (SC)
		7.3.9 Spectral Flux (SF)
		7.3.10 Spectral Roll-Off (SR)
		7.3.11 Skewness
		7.3.12 Kurtosis
		7.3.13 Shannon Entropy
		7.3.14 Features of the Vocal Tract Model Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC) Linear Predictor Cepstral Coefficient (LPCC) Perceptual Linear Predictor (PLP) Coefficient Formants
	7.4 Results and Discussion
	7.5 Conclusions
Chapter 8: Embarrassment in the Context of Negative Emotions and Its Effects on Information Processing
	8.1 Introduction
	8.2 Embarrassment and Embarrassability
	8.3 Embarrassment and Related Emotions
	8.4 Embarrassment: Antecedents and Consequences
		8.4.1 Antecedents Biological Psychological Social
		8.4.2 Outcomes Biological Psychological Social
	8.5 Gender Differences in Experiencing Embarrassment
		8.5.1 Gender Roles
		8.5.2 Stereotypical Behaviours
		8.5.3 Age
		8.5.4 Self-Report
		8.5.5 Situational Context
		8.5.6 Interpersonal Context
	8.6 Experiencing Embarrassment Versus Experiencing Related Negative Emotions: Distinction Based on Gender Differences
		8.6.1 Is Embarrassment as Simple an Emotion as It Is Considered to Be?
	8.7 Embarrassment and Information Processing
	8.8 Placing Individuals on the Embarrassment Continuum
		8.8.1 Personal Factors of an Individual
		8.8.2 Nature of the Situation
		8.8.3 Social Support
	8.9 Limitations
	8.10 Implications and Future Scope
	8.11 Conclusion
Chapter 9: Student’s Emotion: The Power of Emotion Education in School
	9.1 Introduction
	9.2 Role of Education in Children’s Emotional Development
	9.3 Emotional Attachment, Cognition, and Behavior
	9.4 Emotional Coaching Strategy for Promoting Sustainable Emotional and Behavioral Well-Being
	9.5 Teacher–Student Attachment and Emotional Development
	9.6 Emotional Competence, Emotional Intelligence, and Emotional Literacy
	9.7 Emotion and Attitude Development
	9.8 Social-Emotional Development and Cooperative Learning
	9.9 Emotional Labor and Education
	9.10 Conclusion
Chapter 10: Emotional Level Classification and Prediction of Tweets in Twitter
	10.1 Introduction
	10.2 Related Works
	10.3 System Architecture
	10.4 Data Collection
	10.5 Data Preprocessing
	10.6 Feature Extraction
		10.6.1 Unigram
		10.6.2 Unigram with POS Tagging
		10.6.3 Bab of Words (BOW)
	10.7 Proposed Classifier
		10.7.1 Disadvantage of Existing Model
		10.7.2 Proposed Model
	10.8 Result and Analysis
	10.9 Conclusion
Chapter 11: Remaining Useful Life as a Cognitive Tool in the Domain of Manufacturing
	11.1 Introduction
	11.2 Related Past Literary Works
		11.2.1 Philosophy of Decision-Making with a Weight Towards Cognition
		11.2.2 Maintenance-Based Monitoring
		11.2.3 Modelling Techniques and Algorithm Used for RUL Estimation
	11.3 Methodology and Results
	11.4 Conclusion
Chapter 12: Multiple Task Human Gait Analysis and Identification: Ensemble Learning Approach
	12.1 Introduction
	12.2 Proposed Work
		12.2.1 Dataset Description and Methodology
	12.3 Algorithm
		12.3.1 Extreme Learning Machine Algorithm
		12.3.2 Support Vector Machines (SVM)
		12.3.3 k-Nearest Neighbor (KNN)
		12.3.4 Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
		12.3.5 Ensemble Learning
	12.4 Results and Discussions
	12.5 Conclusions
Chapter 13: Employing Machine Learning for Multi-perspective Emotional Health Analysis
	13.1 Introduction
	13.2 Emotional Health Analysis
		13.2.1 Emotion Analysis Using Text Processing
		13.2.2 Emotion Analysis Using Speech Processing
		13.2.3 Emotion Analysis Using Behavior Perception
	13.3 Comparative Analysis of Various Perspectives
	13.4 Case Studies
	13.5 Conclusion and Future Work

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