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دانلود کتاب CORBA Developer's Guide with XML

دانلود کتاب راهنمای توسعهدهنده CORBA با XML

CORBA Developer's Guide with XML

مشخصات کتاب

CORBA Developer's Guide with XML

دسته بندی: برنامه نویسی: زبان های برنامه نویسی
سال نشر:  
تعداد صفحات: 295 
زبان: English 
فرمت فایل : PDF (درصورت درخواست کاربر به PDF، EPUB یا AZW3 تبدیل می شود) 
حجم فایل: 2 مگابایت 

قیمت کتاب (تومان) : 34,000

کلمات کلیدی مربوط به کتاب راهنمای توسعهدهنده CORBA با XML: کتابخانه، ادبیات کامپیوتر، XML / XSLT

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       تعداد امتیاز دهندگان : 11

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توجه داشته باشید کتاب راهنمای توسعهدهنده CORBA با XML نسخه زبان اصلی می باشد و کتاب ترجمه شده به فارسی نمی باشد. وبسایت اینترنشنال لایبرری ارائه دهنده کتاب های زبان اصلی می باشد و هیچ گونه کتاب ترجمه شده یا نوشته شده به فارسی را ارائه نمی دهد.

توضیحاتی درمورد کتاب به خارجی

(Publisher: Wordware Publishing, Inc. )
Author(s): George Doss
ISBN: 1556226683
Publication Date: 06/01/99
About XML Authority
XML: Why and What
Foundational View
Background Information
XML Grammar Overview
XML Benefits
XML and SGML Comparison
XML and HTML Comparison
XML and Java Comparison
XML Design Policy
Some Related Internet Sites
Production Rules Overview
Well-Formed Documents
Valid Documents
Document Structure
Logical Structure
Rules for Element Type Declarations
Rule for Empty Elements
Rules for Element Types
Rules for Element Contents
Rule for Mixed Content
Rules for Element Attributes
Rules for Attribute Types
Rules for Enumerated Types
Rule for Attribute Defaults
Rules for Conditional Sections
Physical Structure
Rule for Character References
Rules for Entity References
Rules for Internal Entities
Rules for External Entity Declarations
Rule for Text Declarations
Rules for Notation Declarations
XML Processor Guidelines
Character Encoding Guidelines
Unparsed Entities Treatment Guidelines
Not Recognized Guidelines
Included Guidelines
Included if Validating Guidelines
Forbidden Guidelines
Included in Literal Guidelines
Notify Guideline
Bypassed Guideline
Included as PE Guidelines
Internal Entity Treatment Guideline
Predefined Entities Guidelines
Miscellaneous Guidelines
Validating Process Guidelines
Developing an XML Document
Type Definition (DTD)
What is a DTD?
Document Logical Structure
Document Physical Structure
Markup Declarations Overview
Conditional Sections
Processing Instructions
Developing a Model DTD
Developing an E-mail’s Logical Structure
Developing the Tag Sets for an E-mail Document
Handling Element Variability
Developing an Empty-Element Tag
Defining an Element’s Attributes
Creating a Unique Identifier Attribute
Incorporating Standard Text Elements
Incorporating Non-Standard Text Elements
Using Text from Any Location
Declaring a Special Non-Standard Character
Handling Illustrations
Handling Different Types of Output
Developing a Processing Instruction
Developing a Document Type Declaration
Role of the Processor
Document Object Model Overview
DOM Defined
DOM Specification Abstract
DOM’s Language Neutrality
DOM Interface
DOM and Style Sheets
DOM Interfaces
The DOM Structure Model Hierarchy
NamedNodeMap Interface Synopsis
Node Interface Synopsis
Attr Interface Synopsis
CharacterData Interface Synopsis
Comment Interface Synopsis
Text Interface Synopsis
CDATASection Interface Synopsis
DocumentFragment Interface Synopsis
Document Interface Synopsis
DocumentType Interface Synopsis
Element Interface Synopsis
Entity Interface Synopsis
EntityReference Interface Synopsis
Notation Interface Synopsis
ProcessingInstruction Interface Synopsis
DOM Terms and Definitions
Specification References
Sample DOM Scenario
DOM Java Sample
DOM XML Markup Sample
DOM Output Sample
DCAM, IDL, and UML Overviews
DCAM Overview
Interface Definition Language (IDL) Overview
Process for Creating an IDL Server Interface
Process for Creating an IDL Client Interface
UML Overview
Web Interface Definition Language
Overview of WIDL
WIDL-SPEC Root Element
METHOD Sub-Element
RECORD Sub-Element
VALUE Sub-Element
SERVICE Empty-Element
REGION Sub-Element
VALUE Sub-Element
WIDL Implications for XML and CORBA
XML and WIDL-SPEC Interface
Condition Handling
CORBA: Why and What
CORBA Headlines
Headlines on CORBA Objects
Headlines on the ORB
Headlines on CORBA Domains
Headlines on CORBAservices
Headlines on Security Service
Headlines on CORBAfacilities
Basic Designed XML/CORBA DTD
Essentials of CORBAservices
CORBAservices Highlights
Core Design Principles for CORBAservices
Concurrency Control Service Essentials
Event Service Essentials
Externalization Service Essentials
Licensing Service Essentials
Life Cycle Service Essentials
Naming Service Essentials
Object Collections Service Essentials
Object Trader Service Essentials
Persistent Object Service Essentials
Property Service Essentials
Query Service Essentials
Relationship Service Essentials
Security Service Essentials
Time Service Essentials
Transaction Service Essentials
Essentials of CORBAfacilities
User Interface Facility Essentials
Information Management Facility Essentials
System Management Facility Essentials
Task Management Facility Essentials
Vertical Facilities Essentials
Essentials on CORBAservices Support
XML Applications
Design and Development Issues
General Software Design and Development Principles
Use Good Project Management Practices
Define Goals and Customer Expectations
Define Control Process
Define Skill Process
Define Time Requirements
Define Resource Requirements
Design an XML Document
Develop an XML Document
Adhere to Well-Formedness Constraints
Adhere to Validity Constraints
Consider Special Local Situation
Some CORBA Design Issues
Some XML DTD Design Issues
Some HTML Design Issues
Some Java Design Issues
Designing an XML DTD for
CORBA Domains
Declaring the Document Type: Domains
Before Declaring Any Element
Declaring Element Type: Reference
Declaring Element Type: Represent
Declaring Element Type: Addressing
Declaring Element Type: Connect
Declaring Element Type: Security
Declaring Element Type: Type
Declaring Element Type: Transaction
Possible XML Solution
Designing an XML DTD for
Declaring the Document Type: Services
Declaring Element Type: Naming
Declaring Element Type: Event
Declaring Element Type: Persistent
Declaring Element Type: LifeCycle
Declaring Element Type: Concurrency
Declaring Element Type: Externalization
Declaring Element Type: Relationship
Declaring Element Type: Transaction
Declaring Element Type: Query
Declaring Element Type: Licensing
Declaring Element Type: Property
Declaring Element Type: Time
Declaring Element Type: Security
Declaring Element Type: Trader
Declaring Element Type: Collections
Designing an XML DTD for the
Security Service
Speaking Policy
Identifying Attributes
Using the Application Developer’s Interfaces
Using the Administrator’s Interfaces
Using the Implementor’s Interfaces
Planning an XML Security Service DTD System
Guidelines for Developing DTDs for Security
Designing an XML DTD for
Declaring the Document Type: Facilities
Declaring Element Type: UserIf
Declaring Element Type: Information
Declaring Element Type: Systems
Declaring Element Type: Task
Declaring Element Type: Imagery
Declaring Element Type: InfoSuper
Declaring Element Type: Manufacturing
Declaring Element Type: Simulation
Declaring Element Type: OAGI
Declaring Element Type: Accounting
Declaring Element Type: AppDev
Declaring Element Type: Mapping
Final Thoughts, Summary, and Conclusions
Final Thoughts
Terms and Definitions
XML Alphabetical Production Rules List
XML Production Rules
Constraints Well-Formedness Constraints Validity Constraints
XML Web Sites
Big Two Web Sites
Web Sites of Organizations and Companies
Web Sites of Individuals
Other Sites Referenced in the Book
Appendix F—XML Markup Examples

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