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دانلود کتاب Best 2022 Clinical Cases in Intensive Care Medicine: From the ESICM NEXT Committee Clinical Case Contest (Lessons from the ICU)

دانلود کتاب بهترین موارد بالینی 2022 در پزشکی مراقبت های ویژه: از مسابقه پرونده بالینی کمیته ESICM NEXT (درس هایی از ICU)

Best 2022 Clinical Cases in Intensive Care Medicine: From the ESICM NEXT Committee Clinical Case Contest (Lessons from the ICU)

مشخصات کتاب

Best 2022 Clinical Cases in Intensive Care Medicine: From the ESICM NEXT Committee Clinical Case Contest (Lessons from the ICU)

نویسندگان: , ,   
ISBN (شابک) : 3031363973, 9783031363979 
سال نشر:  
تعداد صفحات: [619] 
زبان: English 
فرمت فایل : PDF (درصورت درخواست کاربر به PDF، EPUB یا AZW3 تبدیل می شود) 
حجم فایل: 21 Mb 

قیمت کتاب (تومان) : 32,000

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در صورت تبدیل فایل کتاب Best 2022 Clinical Cases in Intensive Care Medicine: From the ESICM NEXT Committee Clinical Case Contest (Lessons from the ICU) به فرمت های PDF، EPUB، AZW3، MOBI و یا DJVU می توانید به پشتیبان اطلاع دهید تا فایل مورد نظر را تبدیل نمایند.

توجه داشته باشید کتاب بهترین موارد بالینی 2022 در پزشکی مراقبت های ویژه: از مسابقه پرونده بالینی کمیته ESICM NEXT (درس هایی از ICU) نسخه زبان اصلی می باشد و کتاب ترجمه شده به فارسی نمی باشد. وبسایت اینترنشنال لایبرری ارائه دهنده کتاب های زبان اصلی می باشد و هیچ گونه کتاب ترجمه شده یا نوشته شده به فارسی را ارائه نمی دهد.

توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب بهترین موارد بالینی 2022 در پزشکی مراقبت های ویژه: از مسابقه پرونده بالینی کمیته ESICM NEXT (درس هایی از ICU)

هدف این کتاب که بخشی از مجموعه کتاب‌های درسی انجمن پزشکی مراقبت‌های ویژه اروپا (ESICM) است و توسط کمیته NEXT انجمن پزشکی مراقبت‌های ویژه اروپا طراحی شده است، ارائه مروری منحصر به فرد از سندرم‌های اصلی در Intensive برای خوانندگان است. مراقبت پزشکی با استفاده از مجموعه ای از موارد بالینی. این کتاب در شش بخش (عفونت‌های شدید و سپسیس، پزشکی تنفسی، پزشکی قلب و عروق، مراقبت‌های عصبی و تروما شدید، اختلالات غدد درون ریز و متابولیک شدید و اختلالات التهابی شدید) تنظیم شده است که به خواننده اجازه می‌دهد بر روی یک منطقه خاص تمرکز کند. هر بخش با یک \"فصل مقدماتی\" برای حفظ انسجام آغاز می شود. در هر بخش، هر فصل مربوط به یک مورد بالینی است که جنبه های مختلف یک بیماری مربوطه را پوشش می دهد. همه فصول دارای طراحی یکنواخت هستند: مقدمه/زمینه، ارائه مورد، تحقیقات، تشخیص افتراقی، درمان، تکامل، نتیجه و پیگیری، و بحث. مخاطبان این اثر شامل دانشجویان دانشگاه، فلوشیپ مراقبت‌های ویژه، دستیاران مراقبت‌های ویژه و فوریت‌های پزشکی و پزشکان مجرب با هدف بررسی مرتبط‌ترین سندرم‌های این تخصص هستند.

توضیحاتی درمورد کتاب به خارجی

The aim of this book, part of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM) textbook series and designed by the NEXT Committee of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, is to provide the readers with a unique review of the main syndromes in Intensive Care Medicine by means of a collection of clinical cases. The book is structured in six sections (severe infections and sepsis, respiratory medicine, cardiovascular medicine, neurocritical care and severe trauma, severe endocrine and metabolic disorders, and severe inflammatory disorders), that allow the reader to focus on a specific area. Each section begins with an “introductory chapter” to maintain cohesion. Within each section, every chapter corresponds to a clinical case covering different aspects of a relevant disease. All the chapters have a uniform design: introduction/background, case presentation, investigations, differential diagnosis, treatment, evolution, outcome and follow-up, and discussion. The target audience of this work includes university students, fellows of intensive care medicine, critical care and emergency medicine residents, and experienced physicians aiming to review the most relevant syndromes of the specialty.

فهرست مطالب

I: The Best Clinical Cases in Severe Infections and Sepsis
	1: Principles and Management of Sepsis
		1.1 Introduction
			1.1.1 Prevalence
			1.1.2 Relevance and Importance
		1.2 Definition
			1.2.1 Evolution and History of Sepsis Definition
		1.3 Components of Sepsis Therapy
			1.3.1 Sepsis Identification and Diagnostics
			1.3.2 Basics of Sepsis Therapy: “Golden Hour of Sepsis”
			1.3.3 Treatment of Septic Shock
			1.3.4 Additional Treatment Options: New Recommendations
		1.4 Future Development and Precision Therapy Options—New Diagnostics
			1.4.1 New Ways of Characterizing Sepsis: From Transcriptome to Precise Medical Therapy
			1.4.2 New eHealth Strategies
			1.4.3 New Diagnostic Approaches Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS)	 The Transcriptome of White Blood Cells
		1.5 Follow-up Programs for Post-Sepsis Patients
	2: Infection in an Immunocompromised Patient, the Perfect Costume in Which to Hide
		2.1 Introduction
		Case Presentation
		2.2 Investigations
		2.3 Differential Diagnosis
		2.4 Treatment
			2.4.1 Nonpharmacological Treatment
			2.4.2 Pharmacological Treatment
		2.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-up
		2.6 Discussion
	3: Intraabdominal Sepsis: Portal and Mesenteric Vein Thrombosis as First Presentation of Myeloproliferative Disease in a Young Woman
		3.1 Introduction
		3.2 Investigations
		3.3 Differential Diagnosis
		3.4 Treatment
		3.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-up
		3.6 Discussion
	4: Necrotizing Fasciitis
		4.1 Introduction
		4.2 Investigations
		4.3 Differential Diagnosis
		4.4 Treatment
		4.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-up
		4.6 Discussion
	5: Fournier’s Gangrene Secondary to Perforated Retrocaecal Appendicitis: A Turbulent and Prolonged ICU Admission
		5.1 Introduction
		Case Presentation
		5.2 Investigations
		5.3 Differential Diagnosis
		5.4 Treatment
		5.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-up
		5.6 Discussion
	6: The Use of Venous–Venous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in a Patient with Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome and Multiple Organ Failure Due to Septic Shock: A Case Report
		6.1 Introduction
		Case Presentation
		6.2 Investigations
			6.2.1 Blood Exams
			6.2.2 Instrumental Exams
			6.2.3 Hemodynamic Monitoring
			6.2.4 Microbiology
		6.3 Treatment
			6.3.1 Emergency Department
			6.3.2 Intensive Care Unit—Peripheral Hospital
			6.3.3 Intensive Care Unit—Hub Hospital Respiratory Treatment	 Hemodynamic	 Infectious Disease	 Renal Replacement Therapy	 Hematology	 Surgery	 Nutrition
		6.4 Evolution, Outcome and Follow-up
		6.5 Discussion
	7: Viral Infections in the Intensive Care Unit
		7.1 Introduction
		7.2 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
			7.2.1 Epidemiology
			7.2.2 Virology
			Clinical Presentation
			7.2.3 Diagnosis and Risk Stratification
			7.2.4 Treatment and Prognosis
			7.2.5 Importance in Intensive Care Medicine
		7.3 Influenza
			7.3.1 Epidemiology
			7.3.2 Virology
			Clinical Presentation
			7.3.3 Diagnosis
			7.3.4 Treatment
			7.3.5 Importance in Intensive Care Medicine
		7.4 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2)
			7.4.1 Virology
			Clinical Presentations and Diagnosis
			7.4.2 Treatment and Prognosis
			7.4.3 Importance in Intensive Care Medicine
		7.5 Herpesviruses Family
			7.5.1 Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)
			7.5.2 Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV/HHV-3)
			7.5.3 Cytomegalovirus (CMV/HHV-5)
			7.5.4 Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV/HHV-4)
	8: Challenges in Infection Management in the Immunocompromised Patient: A Case Report
		8.1 Introduction
		8.2 Investigations
		8.3 Differential Diagnosis
		8.4 Treatment
		8.5 Evolution, Outcome and Follow-up
		8.6 Discussion
	9: HIV: Respiratory Insufficiency in an HIV Patient
		9.1 Introduction
		9.2 Investigations
		9.3 Differential Diagnosis
		9.4 Treatment
		9.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-up
		9.6 Discussion
	10: Severe Varicella Zoster Virus Reactivation After SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination in an Immunocompetent Patient: Case Report
		10.1 Introduction
		Case Presentation
		10.2 Investigations
		10.3 Differential Diagnosis
		10.4 Treatment
		10.5 Evolution, Outcome and Follow-up
		10.6 Discussion
	11: Herpesviridae. A Young Man with Acute Liver Failure and Hemolysis
		11.1 Introduction
		11.2 Investigations
		11.3 Differential Diagnosis
		11.4 Treatment
		11.5 Clinical Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-up
		11.6 Discussion
	12: Organizing Pneumonia Treated with High-Dose Methylprednisolone in an Adolescent with COVID-19 Pneumonia Under Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
		12.1 Introduction
		Case Presentation
		12.2 Investigations
		12.3 Differential Diagnosis
		12.4 Treatment
		12.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-up
		12.6 Discussion
	13: Severe Fungal and Parasitic Infections in the Intensive Care Unit
		13.1 Introduction
		13.2 Candidemia and Invasive Candidiasis
			13.2.1 Epidemiology and Microbiology
			13.2.2 Diagnosis and Diseases Caused
			13.2.3 Treatment and Prognosis
		13.3 Mucormycosis
			13.3.1 Clinical Manifestations
			13.3.2 Diagnosis
			13.3.3 Treatment and Prognosis
			13.3.4 Outcomes
		13.4 Malaria
			13.4.1 Epidemiology
			13.4.2 Microbiology
			13.4.3 Clinical Presentation
			13.4.4 Diagnosis and Risk Stratification
			13.4.5 Treatment and Prognosis
		13.5 Echinococcal Disease
			13.5.1 Microbiology
			13.5.2 Cystic Echinococcosis
			13.5.3 Alveolar Echinococcosis
	14: Severe Malaria in the ICU
		14.1 Introduction
		Case Presentation
		14.2 Investigations
		14.3 Differential Diagnosis
		14.4 Treatment
		14.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-up
		14.6 Discussion
	15: Parasitic Infections. Dyspnea, Edema, and Abdominal Distention
		15.1 Introduction
		Case Presentation
		15.2 Investigations
			15.2.1 Complementary Images
			15.2.2 Blood Tests
			15.2.3 Microbiological Tests
		15.3 Differential Diagnosis
		15.4 Treatment
		15.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-up
		15.6 Discussion
	16: An Unusual Cause of Intracranial Hemorrhage: Cerebral Mucormycosis
		16.1 Introduction
		Case Presentation
		16.2 Investigations
		16.3 Differential Diagnosis
		16.4 Treatment
		16.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-up
		16.6 Discussion
	17: A Case of Gastroparesis and Candidemia Secondary to Gastric Ischemia
		17.1 Introduction
		Case Presentation
		17.2 Investigations
		17.3 Differential Diagnosis
		17.4 Treatment
		17.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-up
		17.6 Discussion
II: The Best Clinical Cases in Respiratory Medicine
	18: Principles and Management of ARDS
		18.1 ARDS Definition, Causes, and Risk Factors
			18.1.1 ARDS Definition
			18.1.2 ARDS Risk Factors
			18.1.3 ARDS Classification
			18.1.4 Diagnosis and Imaging
			18.1.5 Pathophysiology
		18.2 General Management
			18.2.1 Mechanical Ventilation
			18.2.2 Tidal Volume and Plateau Pressure—Volutrauma & Barotrauma
			18.2.3 Positive End-Expiratory Pressure—Atelectrauma
			18.2.4 Spontaneous Breathing in ARDS—P-SILI
			18.2.5 Prone Positioning
			18.2.6 Pharmacological Therapy
		18.3 Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO)
			18.3.1 Indications
			18.3.2 Contraindications
			18.3.3 Management
		18.4 Complications of ARDS
	19: Near Drowning in Seawater: A Case Report
		19.1 Introduction
		Case Presentation
		19.2 Investigations
			19.2.1 Emergency Department
			19.2.2 Intensive Care Unit
		19.3 Differential Diagnosis
		19.4 Treatment
			19.4.1 Emergency Department
			19.4.2 Intensive Care Unit
		19.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-up
		19.6 Discussion
	20: The Use of Inhaled Nitric Oxide for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in a Patient with a Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. A Clinical Case
		20.1 Introduction
		Case Presentation
		20.2 Investigations
		20.3 Differential Diagnosis
		20.4 Treatment
		20.5 Evolution, Outcome and Follow-up
		20.6 Discussion
	21: Postpartum Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) in a Patient with Suspected Amniotic Fluid Embolism After Complicated Childbirth
		21.1 Introduction
		21.2 Investigations
		21.3 Differential Diagnosis
		21.4 Treatment
		21.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-Up
		21.6 Discussion
	22: Management of a Non-traumatic Tracheal Lesion in Severe Tracheobronchomalacia
		22.1 Introduction
		Case Presentation
		22.2 Investigations
		22.3 Differential Diagnosis
		22.4 Treatment
		22.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-Up
		22.6 Discussion
	23: Post COVID-19 Bronchopleural Fistula Treated with “Closed-Lung” Minimal Ventilation and ECCO2R: A Clinical Case Report
		23.1 Introduction
		23.2 Investigations
		23.3 Differential Diagnosis
		23.4 Treatment
			23.4.1 “Closed-Lung” Minimal Ventilation Strategy
			23.4.2 Low-Flow ECCO2R
		23.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-Up
		23.6 Discussion
	24: Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation: Antipsychotic-Induced Respiratory Dyskinesia in a Patient with Severe SARS-CoV-2 Pneumonia
		24.1 Introduction
		Case Presentation
		24.2 Discussion
	25: Pulmonary Embolism in the ICU
		25.1 Definition, Causes, and Epidemiology of Pulmonary Embolism
		25.2 Pathophysiology and Determinants of Outcome
		25.3 Diagnostics
			25.3.1 Electrocardiography
			25.3.2 Laboratory Biomarkers
			25.3.3 Echocardiography
			25.3.4 Computed Tomographic Pulmonary Angiography (CTPA)
			25.3.5 Lung Scintigraphy
			25.3.6 Pulmonary Angiography
			25.3.7 Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging (cMRI)
			25.3.8 Pulmonary Artery Catheter
			25.3.9 Compression Ultrasonography (CUS)
		25.4 Risk Stratification, Prognostication, and the Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index
		25.5 Management and Treatment of Acute PE
		25.6 Management of Severe PE and RV Failure in the ICU Setting
		25.7 Management of PE Outside from ICU Settings
			25.7.1 Acute Phase in Stable Patients
			25.7.2 Chronic Treatment, Prevention of Recurrence, and Follow-Up
	26: Diagnosis of Pulmonary Embolism: An Uncommon Cause of Pulmonary Embolism
		26.1 Introduction
		26.2 Discussion
	27: Right Ventricular Failure in Pulmonary Embolism: The Forgotten Chamber—When in Trouble, Go Back to Basics
		27.1 Introduction
		27.2 Investigations
		27.3 Differential Diagnosis
		27.4 Treatment
		27.5 Evolution, Outcome and Follow-Up
		27.6 Discussion
	28: VA-ECMO for Resuscitation of Cardiac Arrest After Pulmonary Embolism in Brain Stem Intracranial Hemorrhage
		28.1 Introduction
		Case Presentation
		28.2 Investigations
		28.3 Differential Diagnosis
		28.4 Treatment
		28.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-Up
		28.6 Discussion
III: The Best Clinical Cases in Cardiovascular Medicine
	29: Principles and Management of Rhythm Disturbances: Overview of Cardiac Arrest
		29.1 Introduction
			29.1.1 Bradyarrhythmias
			29.1.2 Sinus Node Abnormalities
			29.1.3 Atrio-ventricular Conduction Abnormalities
			29.1.4 Junctional Abnormalities
			29.1.5 Intraventricular Conduction Abnormalities
			29.1.6 Management
		29.2 Tachyarrhythmias
			29.2.1 Broad Complex Tachycardias
			29.2.2 Ventricular Tachycardia (VT)
			29.2.3 Polymorphic VT
			29.2.4 Supraventricular Rhythms with Bundle Branch Block
			29.2.5 Narrow Complex Tachycardias
			29.2.6 SVT
			29.2.7 Atrial Flutter
			29.2.8 AF with Rapid Ventricular Response
		29.3 Cardiac Arrest
			29.3.1 Causes and Physiopathology of Cardiac Arrest
			29.3.2 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation	 Basic Life Support	 Advanced Life Support
			29.3.3 Post-resuscitation Care
	30: Arrhythmias: Electrical Storm in a COVID-19 Patient
		30.1 Introduction
		30.2 Investigations
		30.3 Differential Diagnosis
		30.4 Treatment
		30.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-Up
		30.6 Discussion
	31: A Case of Near-Fatal Chronic Digoxin Toxicity
		31.1 Introduction
		Case Presentation
		31.2 Resuscitative Management
		31.3 Differential Diagnosis
		31.4 Treatment
		31.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-Up
		31.6 Discussion
	32: Cardiac Arrest: Pediatric Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest on the Soccer Pitch—How Implementation of Digital Solutions into the Chain of Survival Can Help with a Favorable Outcome
		32.1 Introduction
		32.2 Investigations
		32.3 Differential Diagnosis
		32.4 Treatment
		32.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-Up
		32.6 Discussion
	33: Principles and Management of Heart Failure and Cardiogenic Shock
		33.1 Introduction and Acute Heart Failure: Systolic and Diastolic Dysfunction
			33.1.1 Systolic and Diastolic Dysfunction
		33.2 Valvulopathies
			33.2.1 Physiology of Valvulopathy
			33.2.2 Surgical Management
			33.2.3 Emergency Percutaneous Procedures
		33.3 Cardiogenic Shock and Mechanical Cardiac Support
			33.3.1 Definition
			33.3.2 Etiology and Outcomes
			33.3.3 Diagnosis and Treatment
			33.3.4 Mechanical Circulatory Support Devices
		33.4 Conclusion
	34: A 60-Year-Old Woman with Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Hemorrhagic Shock: An Unexpected Shift in Shock Etiology
		34.1 Introduction
		Case Presentation
		34.2 Differential Diagnosis
		34.3 Investigations
		34.4 Treatment
		34.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-Up
		34.6 Discussion
	35: Seizure-Associated Takotsubo Syndrome Complicated by Cardiogenic Shock and Successfully Treated with Levosimendan: A Case Report
		35.1 Introduction
		Case Study
	36: Cardiogenic Shock Due to Reversed Takotsubo Syndrome Associated with E-Cigarette or Vaping Product Use-Associated Lung Injury (EVALI): A Case Report
		36.1 Introduction
		36.2 Investigations
		36.3 Differential Diagnoses
		36.4 Treatment
		36.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-Up
		36.6 Discussion
	37: Ivabradine as an Alternative to Beta-Blockade in Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy: Case Report
		37.1 Introduction
		37.2 Investigations
		37.3 Differential Diagnosis
		37.4 Treatment
		37.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-Up
		37.6 Discussion
	38: Novel Immunotherapy and Mechanical Cardiac Support in Myocarditis: A Case Report
		38.1 Introduction
		38.2 Investigations
			38.2.1 ECG
			38.2.2 Imaging
			38.2.3 Other Investigations
		38.3 Differential Diagnosis
		38.4 Treatment
			38.4.1 Resuscitative and Supportive Therapy
			38.4.2 Immunomodulation
		38.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-Up
		38.6 Discussion
	39: Peripartum Cardiomyopathy: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Challenge
		39.1 Introduction
		Case Presentation
			Cardiovascular System
			Renal System
			Respiratory System
			Gastrointestinal System
			Nervous System
		39.2 Investigations
		39.3 Differential Diagnosis
		39.4 Treatment
		39.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-Up
		39.6 Discussion
	40: Impact of Perioperative Veno-arterial Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation on Outcome in a Patient with Impaired Cardiac Function Undergoing Open Thoracoabdominal Penetrating Aortic Ulcer Repair
		40.1 Introduction
		Case Presentation
		40.2 Investigations
		40.3 Differential Diagnosis
		40.4 Treatment
		40.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-Up
		40.6 Discussion
IV: The Best Clinical Cases in Neurocritical Care and Severe Trauma
	41: Principles and Management of Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
		41.1 Definition and Epidemiology of Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
		41.2 Diagnosis and Assessment
			41.2.1 Risk Factors and Prevention of aSAH
			41.2.2 Clinical Manifestations of aSAH
			41.2.3 Clinical and Radiologic Grading
			41.2.4 Diagnosing a Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
		41.3 Management of aSAH
			41.3.1 Aneurysm Repair
		41.4 Neurological Complications
			41.4.1 Vasospasm and Delayed Cerebral Ischemia
			41.4.2 Hydrocephalus
			41.4.3 Rebleeding
			41.4.4 Seizures
		41.5 Systemic Complications
	42: Systemic Complications of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Case Report
		42.1 Introduction
		Case Presentation
		42.2 Investigations
			42.2.1 Emergency Department of the Spoke Center
			42.2.2 Emergency Department of the Hub Center
			42.2.3 Intensive Care Unit	 Neurological Investigations	 Hemodynamic Monitoring	 Pulmonary Investigations
		42.3 Differential Diagnosis
		42.4 Treatment
			42.4.1 Emergency Department of the Hub Center
			42.4.2 Intensive Care Unit Neurological Treatment	 Hemodynamic Management	 Pulmonary Treatment	 Other Treatments
		42.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-Up
		42.6 Discussion
	43: Cardiovascular Complications of SAH: Neurogenic Stunned Myocardium in Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
		43.1 Introduction
		43.2 Investigations
		43.3 Differential Diagnosis
		43.4 Treatment
		43.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-Up
		43.6 Discussion
	44: Principles and Management of Severe Trauma and Bleeding
		44.1 Introduction
		44.2 Primary Survey
			44.2.1 A: Airway Maintenance with Restriction of Cervical Spine Movement
			44.2.2 B: Breathing and Ventilation
			44.2.3 C: Circulation with Haemorrhage Control	 Bleeding
			44.2.4 D: Disability (Neurologic Evaluation)
			44.2.5 E: Exposure
		44.3 Secondary Survey
	45: Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy Management in a Patient with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury and Rhabdomyolysis-Associated Acute Kidney Injury
		45.1 Introduction
		45.2 Investigations
		45.3 Treatment
		45.4 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-Up
		45.5 Discussion
	46: Delayed Post-Traumatic Tamponade: The End of the Tunnel
		46.1 Introduction
		46.2 Interventions
		46.3 Differential Diagnosis
		46.4 Treatment
		46.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-Up
		46.6 Discussion
	47: Polytrauma Patient with Refractory Shock
		47.1 Introduction
		47.2 Investigations
		47.3 Differential Diagnosis
		47.4 Treatment
		47.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-Up
		47.6 Discussion
	48: Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta (REBOA) in a Patient with Exsanguinating Penetrating Torso Trauma: A Clinical Case
		48.1 Introduction
		48.2 Investigations
		48.3 Differential Diagnosis
		48.4 Treatment
		48.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-up
		48.6 Discussion
	49: Principles and Management of Haemorrhagic Shock
		49.1 Introduction
		49.2 Pathophysiology
		49.3 Diagnostic Approach
		49.4 Management Considerations
			49.4.1 Transfusion Strategies
			49.4.2 Haemodynamic Targets
			49.4.3 Definitive Interventions
	50: Massive Haemothorax of Extremely Rare Cause: Learnings from an Unusual Case Report
		50.1 Introduction
		50.2 Investigations
		50.3 Differential Diagnosis
		50.4 Treatment
		50.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-Up
		50.6 Discussion
	51: Case Report: An Unusual Cause of Syncope
		51.1 Introduction
		Case Presentation
		51.2 Investigations
		51.3 Differential Diagnosis
		51.4 Treatment
		51.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-Up
		51.6 Discussion
	52: Blood Transfusion-Triggered Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome
		52.1 Introduction
		Case Presentation
		52.2 Investigations
		52.3 Differential Diagnosis
		52.4 Treatment
		52.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-Up
		52.6 Discussion
V: The Best Clinical Cases in Severe Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders
	53: Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders in the ICU
		53.1 Diabetes in the ICU
		Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis
		53.2 Management
			53.2.1 Metformin Associated Lactic Acidosis (MALA)
			53.2.2 Hypoglycemia
		53.3 Porphyria
			53.3.1 Introduction and Pathophysiology
			53.3.2 Presentation
			53.3.3 Diagnosis
			53.3.4 Management and Therapy
		53.4 Cyanide Poisoning
			53.4.1 Introduction
			53.4.2 Pathophysiology
			53.4.3 Presentation
			53.4.4 Diagnosis
			53.4.5 Management and Therapy Supportive Care and Decontamination	 Antidotes
	54: Diabetes Ketoacidosis: New Onset Diabetes with Diabetic Ketoacidosis After SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Adult Critically Ill Patient
		54.1 Introduction
		54.2 Investigations
		54.3 Differential Diagnosis
		54.4 Treatment
		54.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-up
		54.6 Discussion
	55: Acute Intermittent Porphyria: A Challenging Diagnosis and Treatment
		55.1 Introduction
		Case Study
		55.2 Investigations
		55.3 Differential Diagnosis
		55.4 Treatment
		55.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-up
		55.6 Discussion
	56: Mitochondrial toxicity and arterialization of venous blood
		56.1 Introduction
		56.2 Investigations
		56.3 Differential Diagnosis
		56.4 Treatment
		56.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-Up
		56.6 Discussion
VI: The Best Clinical Cases in Severe Inflammatory Disorders
	57: Immune-Inflammatory Disorders in the ICU
		57.1 Introduction
		57.2 Systemic Capillary Leak Syndrome
			57.2.1 Introduction
			57.2.2 Pathophysiology
			57.2.3 Diagnosis
			57.2.4 Management and Therapy
		57.3 Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis
			57.3.1 Introduction
			57.3.2 Pathophysiology
			57.3.3 Diagnosis
			57.3.4 Management and Therapy
		57.4 Myasthenia Gravis
			57.4.1 Introduction
			57.4.2 Pathophysiology
			57.4.3 Diagnosis
			57.4.4 Management and Therapy
		57.5 Adult-Onset Still’s Disease
			57.5.1 Introduction
			57.5.2 Pathophysiology
			57.5.3 Diagnosis
			57.5.4 Management and Therapy
	58: In Case of Severe Hemoconcentration and Hypovolemic Shock, Also Think of Zebras: A Case of Systemic Capillary Leak Syndrome
		58.1 Introduction
		Case study
		58.2 Investigations
		58.3 Differential Diagnosis
		58.4 Treatment
		58.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-up
		58.6 Discussion
	59: Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis in a Critically Ill Adult with Asymptomatic Post-acute COVID-19
		59.1 Introduction
		Case Study
		59.2 Investigations
		59.3 Differential Diagnosis
		59.4 Treatment
		59.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-Up
		59.6 Discussion
	60: The Approach to a Patient with a Myasthenic Crisis in an Intensive Care Unit
		60.1 Introduction
		60.2 Investigations
		60.3 Differential Diagnosis
		60.4 Treatment
		60.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-Up
		60.6 Discussion
	61: A Usual Presentation of an Unusual Case
		61.1 Introduction
		Case Presentation
		61.2 Investigations
		61.3 Differential Diagnosis
		61.4 Treatment
		61.5 Evolution, Outcome, and Follow-up
		61.6 Discussion
Correction to: Best 2022 Clinical Cases in Intensive Care Medicine
	Correction to: Chapter 17 and 55 in: D. Pérez-Torres et al. (eds.), Best 2022 Clinical Cases in Intensive Care Medicine, Lessons from the ICU, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-36398-6

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