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برای ارتباط با ما می توانید از طریق شماره موبایل زیر از طریق تماس و پیامک با ما در ارتباط باشید


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دانلود کتاب Abnormal Psychology

دانلود کتاب روانشناسی غیر طبیعی

Abnormal Psychology

مشخصات کتاب

Abnormal Psychology

ویرایش: 8 
ISBN (شابک) : 1260500187, 9781260500189 
ناشر: Mcgraw hill Education 
سال نشر: 2020 
تعداد صفحات: 625 
زبان: English 
فرمت فایل : PDF (درصورت درخواست کاربر به PDF، EPUB یا AZW3 تبدیل می شود) 
حجم فایل: 43 مگابایت 

قیمت کتاب (تومان) : 46,000

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توجه داشته باشید کتاب روانشناسی غیر طبیعی نسخه زبان اصلی می باشد و کتاب ترجمه شده به فارسی نمی باشد. وبسایت اینترنشنال لایبرری ارائه دهنده کتاب های زبان اصلی می باشد و هیچ گونه کتاب ترجمه شده یا نوشته شده به فارسی را ارائه نمی دهد.

توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب روانشناسی غیر طبیعی

تفکر انتقادی بر مهارت هایی تمرکز می کند که دانش آموزان باید خودشان فکر کنند. از طریق یک رویکرد عملی و در دسترس، مفاهیم اصلی در تفکر انتقادی از طریق مثال‌های دنیای واقعی، تمرین گسترده و مجموعه‌ای متفکرانه از ویژگی‌های آموزشی نشان داده می‌شوند.

توضیحاتی درمورد کتاب به خارجی

Critical Thinking focuses on skills students need to think for themselves.  Through a practical and accessible approach core concepts in critical thinking are illustrated through real-world examples, extensive practice, and a thoughtful set of pedagogical features.

فهرست مطالب

Title Page
Copyright Page
About the Author, About the Contributor
Brief Contents
Chapter 1: Looking at Abnormality
	Abnormality Along the Continuum
	Extraordinary People
	Defining Abnormality
		Mental Illness
		Cultural Norms
		The Four Ds of Abnormality
		Shades of Gray
	Historical Perspectives on Abnormality
		Ancient Theories
		Medieval Views
		The Spread of Asylums
		Moral Treatment in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
	The Emergence of Modern
		The Beginnings of Modern Biological Perspectives
		The Psychoanalytic Perspective
		The Roots of Behaviorism
		The Cognitive Revolution
	Modern Mental Health Care
		Managed Care
		Professions Within Abnormal Psychology
	Chapter Integration
		Shades of Gray Discussion
	Chapter Summary
	Key Terms
Chapter 2: Theories and Treatment of Abnormality
	Approaches Along the Continuum
	Extraordinary People—Steven Hayes
	Biological Approaches
		Brain Dysfunction
		Biochemical Imbalances
		Genetic Abnormalities
		Drug Therapies
		Electroconvulsive Therapy and Newer Brain Stimulation Techniques
		Assessing Biological Approaches
	Psychological Approaches
		Behavioral Approaches
		Cognitive Approaches
		Psychodynamic Approaches
		Humanistic Approaches
		Shades of Gray
		Family Systems Approaches
		Third-Wave Approaches
		Using New Technology to Deliver Treatment
	Sociocultural Approaches
		Cross-Cultural Issues in Treatment
		Culturally Specific Therapies
		Assessing Sociocultural Approaches
	Prevention Programs
	Common Elements in Effective Treatments
	Chapter Integration
		Shades of Gray Discussion
	Chapter Summary
	Key Terms
Chapter 3: Assessing and Diagnosing Abnormality
	Assessment and Diagnosis Along the Continuum
	Extraordinary People—Marya
	Assessment Tools
		Clinical Interview
		Symptom Questionnaires
		Personality Inventories
		Behavioral Observation and Self-Monitoring
		Intelligence Tests
		Neuropsychological Tests
		Brain-Imaging Techniques
		Psychophysiological Tests
		Projective Tests
	Challenges in Assessment
		Resistance to Providing Information
		Evaluating Children
		Evaluating Individuals Across Cultures
		Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)
		Shades of Gray
		The Social-Psychological Dangers of Diagnosis
	Chapter Integration
		Shades of Gray Discussion
	Chapter Summary
	Key Terms
Chapter 4: The Research Endeavor
	Research Along the Continuum
	Extraordinary People—The Old Order Amish of Pennsylvania
	The Scientific Method
		Defining the Problem and Stating a Hypothesis
		Choosing and Implementing a Method
		Shades of Gray
		Ethical Issues in Research
	Case Studies
		Evaluating Case Studies
	Correlational Studies
		Measuring the Relationship Between Variables
		Selecting a Sample
		Evaluating Correlational Studies
	Epidemiological Studies
		Evaluating Epidemiological Studies
		Experimental Studies
		Human Laboratory Studies
		Therapy Outcome Studies
		Single-Case Experimental Designs
		Animal Studies
	Genetic Studies
		Family History Studies
		Twin Studies
		Adoption Studies
		Molecular Genetic Studies and Linkage Analyses
	Cross-Cultural Research
		Evaluating Meta-Analysis
	Chapter Integration
		Shades of Gray Discussion
	Chapter Summary
	Key Terms
Chapter 5: Trauma, Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive, and Related Disorders
	Fear and Anxiety Along the Continuum
	Extraordinary People—David Beckham, Perfection On and Off the Field
	Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Disorder
		Traumas Leading to PTSD
		Theories of PTSD
		Treatments for PTSD
	Specific Phobias and Agoraphobia
		Specific Phobias
		Shades of Gray
		Theories of Phobias
		Treatments for Phobias
	Social Anxiety Disorder
		Theories of Social Anxiety Disorder
		Treatments for Social Anxiety Disorder
	Panic Disorder
		Theories of Panic Disorder
		Treatments for Panic Disorder
	Generalized Anxiety Disorder
		Theories of Generalized Anxiety Disorder
		Treatments for Generalized Anxiety Disorder
	Separation Anxiety Disorder
		Theories of Separation Anxiety Disorder
		Treatments for Separation Anxiety Disorder
	Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
		Theories of OCD and Related Disorders
		Treatment of OCD and Related Disorders
	Anxiety Disorders in Older Adults
	Chapter Integration
		Shades of Gray Discussion
	Chapter Summary
	Key Terms
Chapter 6: Somatic Symptom and Dissociative Disorders
	Somatic Symptom and Dissociative Disorders Along the Continuum
	Extraordinary People—Anna O., The Talking Cure
	Somatic Symptom Disorders
		Somatic Symptom Disorder and Illness Anxiety Disorder
		Shades of Gray
		Conversion Disorder (Functional Neurological Symptom Disorder
		Factitious Disorder
	Dissociative Disorders
		Dissociative Identity Disorder
		Dissociative Amnesia
		Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder
		Controversies Around the Dissociative Disorders
	Chapter Integration
		Shades of Gray Discussion
	Chapter Summary
	Key Terms
Chapter 7: Mood Disorders and Suicide
	Mood Disorders Along the Continuum
	Extraordinary People—Kay Redfield Jamison, An Unquiet Mind
	Characteristics of Depressive Disorders
		Symptoms of Depression
		Diagnosing Depressive Disorders
		Prevalence and Course of Depressive Disorders
		Shades of Gray
	Characteristics of Bipolar Disorder
		Symptoms of Mania
		Prevalence and Course of Bipolar Disorder
		Creativity and the Mood Disorders
	Theories of Depression
		Biological Theories of Depression
		Psychological Theories of Depression
	Theories of Bipolar Disorder
		Biological Theories of Bipolar Disorder
		Psychosocial Contributors to Bipolar Disorder
	Treatment of Mood Disorders
		Biological Treatments for Mood
		Psychological Treatments for Mood Disorders
		Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy and Family-Focused Therapy
		Comparison of Treatments
		Defining and Measuring Suicide
		Understanding Suicide
		Treatment and Prevention
	Chapter Integration
		Shades of Gray Discussion
	Chapter Summary
	Key Terms
Chapter 8: Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders
	Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders Along the Continuum
	Extraordinary People—John Nash, A Beautiful Mind
	Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Course
		Positive Symptoms
		Negative Symptoms
		Cognitive Deficits
		Other Psychotic Disorders
		Shades of Gray
	Biological Theories
		Genetic Contributors to Schizophrenia
		Structural and Functional Brain Abnormalities
	Psychosocial Perspectives
		Social Drift and Urban Birth
		Stress and Relapse
		Schizophrenia and the Family
		Cognitive Perspectives
		Cross-Cultural Perspectives
		Biological Treatments
		Psychological and Social Treatments
	Chapter Integration
		Shades of Gray Discussion
	Chapter Summary
	Key Terms
Chapter 9: Personality Disorders
	Personality Disorders Along the
	Extraordinary People—Susanna Kaysen, Girl, Interrupted
	General Definition of Personality Disorder
	Cluster A: Odd-Eccentric Personality Disorders
		Paranoid Personality Disorder
		Schizoid Personality Disorder
		Schizotypal Personality Disorder
	Cluster B: Dramatic-Emotional Personality Disorders
		Borderline Personality Disorder
		Histrionic Personality Disorder
		Narcissistic Personality Disorder
	Cluster C: Anxious-Fearful Personality Disorders
		Avoidant Personality Disorder
		Dependent Personality Disorder
		Shades of Gray
		Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
	Alternative DSM-5 Model for Personality Disorders
	Chapter Integration
		Shades of Gray Discussion
	Chapter Summary
	Key Terms
Chapter 10: Neurodevelopmental and Neurocognitive Disorders
	Neurodevelopmental and Neurocognitive Disorders Along the Continuum
	Extraordinary People—Temple Grandin, Thinking in Pictures
	Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
		Biological Factors
		Psychological and Social Factors
		Treatments for ADHD
		Shades of Gray
	Autism Spectrum Disorder
		Contributors to Autism Spectrum Disorder
		Treatments for Autism Spectrum Disorder
	Intellectual Disability
		Biological Causes of Intellectual Disability
		Sociocultural Factors
		Treatments for Intellectual Disability
	Learning, Communication, and Motor Disorders
		Specific Learning Disorder
		Communication Disorders
		Causes and Treatment of Learning and Communication Disorders
		Motor Disorders
	Major and Mild Neurocognitive Disorders
		Symptoms of Major Neurocognitive Disorder
		Types of Major and Mild Neurocognitive Disorder
		The Impact of Gender, Culture, and Education on Neurocognitive Disorder
		Treatments for and Prevention of Neurocognitive Disorder
		Causes of Delirium
		Treatments for Delirium
	Chapter Integration
		Shades of Gray Discussion
	Chapter Summary
	Key Terms
Chapter 11: Disruptive, Impulse-Control, and Conduct Disorders
	Disorders of Conduct and Impulse Control Along the Continuum
	Extraordinary People—Ted Bundy, Portrait of a Serial Killer
	Conduct Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder
		Contributors to Conduct Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder
		Shades of Gray
		Treatments for Conduct Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder
	Antisocial Personality Disorder
		Contributors to Antisocial Personality Disorder
		Treatments for Antisocial Personality Disorder
	Intermittent Explosive Disorder
	Chapter Integration
		Shades of Gray Discussion
	Chapter Summary
	Key Terms
Chapter 12: Eating Disorders
	Eating Disorders Along the Continuum
	Extraordinary People—Fashion Models, Dying to Be Thin
	Characteristics of Eating Disorders
		Anorexia Nervosa
		Bulimia Nervosa
		Binge-Eating Disorder
		Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder
	Understanding Eating Disorders
		Shades of Gray
		Biological Factors
		Sociocultural and Psychological Factors
	Treatments for Eating Disorders
		Psychotherapy for Anorexia Nervosa
		Psychotherapy for Bulimia Nervosa and Binge-Eating Disorder
		Biological Therapies
	Chapter Integration
		Shades of Gray Discussion
	Chapter Summary
	Key Terms
Chapter 13: Sexual Disorders and Gender Diversity
	Sexuality and Gender Along the Continuum
	Extraordinary People—David Reimer, The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl
	Sexual Dysfunctions
		Disorders of Sexual Interest/Desire and Arousal
		Disorders of Orgasm or Sexual Pain
		Causes of Sexual Dysfunctions
		Treatments for Sexual Dysfunctions
		Considerations for Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual People
	Paraphilic Disorders
		Fetishistic Disorder and Transvestic Disorder
		Sexual Sadism and Sexual Masochism Disorders
		Voyeuristic, Exhibitionistic, and Frotteuristic Disorders
		Pedophilic Disorder
		Causes of Paraphilias
		Treatments for the Paraphilic Disorders
	Gender Dysphoria
		Contributors to Gender Dysphoria
		Treatments for Gender Dysphoria
	Chapter Integration
	Chapter Summary
	Key Terms
Chapter 14: Substance Use and Gambling Disorders
	Substance Use Along the Continuum
	Extraordinary People—Celebrity Drug Abusers
	Defining Substance Use Disorders
		Shades of Gray
		Benzodiazepines and Barbiturates
	Hallucinogens and PCP
	Other Drugs of Abuse
	Theories of Substance Use Disorders
		Biological Factors
		Psychological Factors
		Sociocultural Factors
		Gender Differences
	Treatments for Substance Use Disorders
		Biological Treatments
		Psychosocial Treatments
		Substance Use Treatment for Older Adults
		Comparing Treatments
		Prevention Programs
	Gambling Disorder
	Chapter Integration
		Shades of Gray Discussion
	Chapter Summary
	Key Terms
Chapter 15: Health Psychology
	Stress Along the Continuum
	Extraordinary People—Norman Cousins, Healing with Laughter
	Psychological Factors and General Health
		Appraisals and Pessimism
		Coping Strategies
		Shades of Gray
		Psychological Disorders and Physical Health
	Psychosocial Factors in Specific Diseases
		The Immune System
		Coronary Heart Disease and Hypertension
	Interventions to Improve Health-Related Behaviors
		Guided Mastery Techniques
		Internet-Based Health Interventions
	Sleep and Health
		Assessing Sleep
		Sleep Disorders
	Chapter Integration
		Shades of Gray Discussion
	Chapter Summary
	Key Terms
Chapter 16: Mental Health and the Law
	Mental Health Law Along the Continuum
	Extraordinary People—Greg Bottoms, Angelhead
	Civil Commitment
		Criteria for Civil Commitment
		Violence by People with Mental Disorders
		Prevalence of Involuntary Commitment
	Patients’ Rights
		Right to Treatment
		Right to Refuse Treatment
	Competence to Stand Trial
	The Insanity Defense
		Insanity Defense Rules
		Problems with the Insanity Defense
		Shades of Gray
		Guilty but Mentally Ill
	Mental Health Care in the Justice System
	Chapter Integration
		Shades of Gray Discussion
	Chapter Summary
	Key Terms
Name Index
Subject Index

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