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از ساعت 7 صبح تا 10 شب

دانلود کتاب A Wedge of Django

دانلود کتاب گوه ای از جنگو

A Wedge of Django

مشخصات کتاب

A Wedge of Django

ISBN (شابک) : 0137523195 
ناشر: Two Scoops Press 
سال نشر: 2021 
تعداد صفحات: 363 
زبان: English 
فرمت فایل : PDF (درصورت درخواست کاربر به PDF، EPUB یا AZW3 تبدیل می شود) 
حجم فایل: 7 Mb 

قیمت کتاب (تومان) : 35,000

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       تعداد امتیاز دهندگان : 1

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توضیحاتی درمورد کتاب به خارجی

فهرست مطالب

	Why Learn Django?
	Conventions Used in this Book
The Ultimate Django Setup
	Goal: A Professional-Quality Development Environment
	Core Concepts
	Step 1: Install Visual Studio Code
	Step 2: Installing Git
	Step 3: Installing Conda
	Step 4: Installing PostgreSQL
Hello, World in Django
	The Hello, World of Python
	Hello, World of Django: Simple on Purpose
	Projects Goals
Preparation: Install Dependencies
	Set Up a New Conda Environment
	Install Django
	Confirming Django is Installed
Generate a Starter Django Project
	Anatomy of a Bare-Bones Django Project
	Other Settings
Create a Database and Run the Project
	Ensure We Are in the hellodjango project
	Creating the Database
	Start Up Runserver
	Runserver Has Started Up
Create a Django Superuser
	Stop runserver if It Is Still Running
	Run createsuperuser
Practice Using the Admin
	Restart runserver
	Visit the Admin
	Log in as Our Superuser
	Explore the Admin
	Recreating the Hello, World in Django Database
Generate a Homepage App
	Stop runserver if Needed
	Generate a Starter Django App
	Anatomy of a Simple 1-App Django Project
	Main Django Project vs Django Apps
Prepping the Project for Templates
	Configure Templates
	Lists? Dictionaries?
Add a Simple Homepage View
	Get to Know URL Routing
	Add a URL Pattern for the Homepage
	Double-Check the Code
	Terminology: Wire in the URL
	Refresh the Page and Trigger an Error
Create Our First Django Template
	Create a Templates Directory
	Add Index Template
	Start Up Runserver
	View the First Page
	Understanding Views and the TemplateView Class
Working With Variables in Templates
	Our First Templated Value
	What Is my_statement?
	Extend HomepageView
	Refresh the Homepage
	Exercise: Play Around!
	Common Questions
Calling View Methods From Templates
	Define a View Method
	Call the View Method From index.html
	Reload the Homepage
Our First Project is Complete!
	Next Steps
Enter the EveryCheese Project
	Prepare the EveryCheese Programming Environment
	Create a New Environment
	Reactivating Conda Environments
Cookiecutter and Template
	Make Certain the (everycheese) virtual environment is activated
	Install Cookiecutter
	Cookiecutter Project Templates
	Using django-crash-starter
	What Happened?
	Tips and Troubleshooting
	Cookiecutter of Background
Exploring the Generated Boilerplate
	Some Basic Components
Starting Up Our New Django Project
	Go Into the EveryCheese Directory
	Install the Dependencies
	Defining the database
	What to name the database?
	Run the Migrations
	Start Up Runserver
Cheese Boilers
Initializing the Git Repo Committing and Pushing
	We'll Use GitHub
	Create the GitHub Project
	Examine the GitHub Instructions
	Verify That the Files Got Committed
Git Is Not for Stinky Cheeses
What We Get From The Users App
	Register a Normal User
	Verify Our Email
	Why Are Emails in the Console?
	Explore the User Profile
	Edit User Data
	Introducing UserUpdateView
	Introducing UserDetailView
	Understand the Name Field
	Understand UserUpdateView
	Add Email Addresses
	What About the Code?
Adding User Bios
	Add a Bio Field
	Create and Run Migrations
	Update UserUpdateView
	Try It Out
Adding Bio to User Detail Template
	Update the User Detail Template
	Add Line Breaks
	Explaining |linebreaksbr
	Commit Our Work
Introducing Tests
	Why Test?
	Running Tests
	What Does a Test Look Like?
	The Test Foundations
	The Actual Test
	Using the assert KeyWord
	Introducing coverage.py
	Using coverage.py
	Generate HTML Coverage Reports
	More Users App Tests
User Profile Cheese
	Avatars Will Fit Into Cheese Holes
The Cheeses App and Model
	Make Sure We're at the Project Root
	Create an App Called Cheeses
	Move It Into the Project
	Set the Cheese Config
	Add It to the List of Installed Apps
	Add the Cheese Model
	Create and Run the Initial Cheese Migration
Trying Out the Cheese Model
	Let's Try It Out!
	Django Shell vs. Shell Plus
	Create a Cheese
	Evaluate and Print the Cheese
	View the Cheese's Name
	Add a String Method
	Exit shell_plus
	Try It Again
	Commit Our Work
Test Coverage
	How to Check Test Coverage
	Create a Module for Cheese Model Tests
	Let's Test the __str__() Method.
	Enter the Game of Test Coverage
	Rules of the Game
	What's the Point of All This Anyway?
	Commit the Cheese Model Tests
The Cheeserator
Adding Cheeses to the Admin
	We Need a Superuser
	Go to the Admin
	Explore the Admin So Far
	Register Cheese Model in the Admin
	Find Colby
	Enter More Cheeses via the Admin
	Some Notes About Using the Django Admin
	Commit Changes
Behind the Curtain
	We Are in Control
Class-Based View Fundamentals
	The Simplest Class-Based View
	Adding More HTTP Methods
	Advantages of Class-Based Views
	Composition Part II
	Intelligent Defaults
	Standardized HTTP Method Handling
	Tips for Writing Class-Based Views
Writing the Cheese List View
Wiring in the List View URL
	Define Cheese URL Patterns
	Include Cheese URLs in Root URLConf
	See the View in Action
The Cheese List Template
	Create the List Template
	Fill in the Template
	See the List in Action
	Add a Nav Link to the Cheese List
	Explaining the cheeses:list Name
	Commit Our Work
Add the CheeseDetailView
	Add the CheeseDetailView URL Pattern
	Link List Items to Detail Pages
The Cheese Detail Template
	Add a Cheese Detail Template
	Visit Cheese Detail
	Commit Our Work
Where to Dip Class-Based Views
Writing Factories for Tests
	Produce Cheese Test Data From Factories
	Define a CheeseFactory
	Try Out CheeseFactory
	Delete the Bogus Cheese
	Commit the Changes
Why Use Factories
	Factories and Unit Testing
	Approach 1: Calling Create()
	Approach 2: Calling CheeseFactory()
	Other Uses
	Learn More About Factory Boy
Using Factories in Tests
	Passing in Explicit Field Values
	Bulk Generation
	Reviewing Our Cheeses
	Cheese Cleanup
	Replacing the Direct Cheese Model Call in Our Existing Test
	Removing the Name Entirely
	Commit Our Work
How Cheese Objects Feel About Tests
Finding and Adding a Third-Party Countries App
	Country of Origin
	Benefiting From Open Source
	Check Django Packages
	Review Django Countries on GitHub
	Look for the Release Number on PyPI
	Install It
	Implement in cheeses/models.py
Display Country Data for Cheeses
	Add Cheese Countries in the Admin
	Display Country in Cheese Detail
	Run the Tests
	Update CheeseFactory
	Verify That CheeseFactory Works
	Commit Our Work
Implement Cheese Creation by Users
	Add a Cheese Creation View
	Add the Corresponding URL Pattern
	Specify the Desired Form Fields
	Define the Cheese Form Template
	Submit the Form
	Implement Get_absolute_url()
	Resubmit the Form
	Link to the Add Cheese Form
	Commit the Changes
Use Django Crispy Forms for Prettier Display
	Isn't as_p() Enough?
	A Quick History Lesson
	Crispy Forms and Cookiecutter Django
	Our Non-Crispy Form
	Use the Crispy Template Tag
	Reload the Add Cheese Form
	Commit the Changes
Understand View Mixins and LoginRequiredMixin
	User-Generated Content and Accountability
	Try Accessing the Add Cheese Form Anonymously
	Require Login
	Try Accessing It as Cheesehead
	View Mixins
	Commit the Changes
Add a Creator Field and Update Our Cheese Records
	Add a Creator Field
	Make and Apply the Migration
	Commit the Changes
Track and Display the Cheese Creator
	Set the Cheese Creator After Form Validation
	Display the Creator on the Cheese Detail Pages
	Try It Out
	Commit the Changes
Update the Cheese Factory
	Run the Tests
	Modify Cheese Factory
	Run the Tests, Again
	Try CheeseFactory in the Shell
	Delete the Random Cheese
	Delete the Random User
	Commit the Changes
Update the Cheese Model Tests
	Test Get_absolute_url()
	Commit the Changes
Test All the Cheese Views
	What to Test?
	Start With Imports
	The First Cheese View Tests
	Write Our First Fixture
	Write the Cheese Create Test View
	Really Test the Cheese List View
	Test the Cheese Detail View
	Test the Cheese Create View
	Commit the Changes
Test All the Cheese URL Patterns
	Add the Imported Cheese
	Write Our Second Fixture
	Test the Cheese List URL Pattern
	Test the Add Cheese URL Pattern
	Test the Cheese Detail URL Pattern
	Commit the Changes
Adding a CheeseUpdateView and Recycling a Form
	Add the CheeseUpdateView
	Wire in the URL Pattern
	Try It in the Browser
	What Happened?!?
	Link to the Update Form
	Try It in the Browser
	Make Login Required
	Commit the Changes
Test the Cheese Forms and Update View
	Refactoring our Cheese Fixture
	Test the Add Cheese Page Title
	Test That CheeseUpdateView Is a Good View
	Test That Cheese Updates Correctly
	Run the Tests And Confirm 100% Test Coverage
	Commit the Changes
EveryCheese is the Foundation!
	Take the Live, Online Version of this book!
	Level Up With Two Scoops of Django
	Other Django Books
	Giving Us Feedback
I Aftermatter
		Troubleshooting Conda Installations on Pre-Catalina OSX
		Troubleshooting Conda Installations on Catalina or higher OSX
		Troubleshooting PostgreSQL: Database EveryCheese Already Exists and/or Role myuser Already Exists
		Troubleshooting PostgreSQL: Role Does Not Exist
		Troubleshooting PostgreSQL: Cannot Create Database
		Troubleshooting PsycoPG2
		Troubleshooting GCC Errors on the Mac
		Troubleshooting the MS Visual Studio Build Tools Error
		Navbar Isn't Dark
		Tech Reviewers
		Contributors to 3.x Beta
		Contributors to 3.x Alpha

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