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دانلود کتاب 99 Maps to Save the Planet

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99 Maps to Save the Planet

مشخصات کتاب

99 Maps to Save the Planet

نویسندگان: ,   
ISBN (شابک) : 9781473597792, 1847926509 
ناشر: Random House 
سال نشر: 2021 
تعداد صفحات: 208 
زبان: English 
فرمت فایل : EPUB (درصورت درخواست کاربر به PDF، EPUB یا AZW3 تبدیل می شود) 
حجم فایل: 25 Mb 

قیمت کتاب (تومان) : 37,000

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در صورت تبدیل فایل کتاب 99 Maps to Save the Planet به فرمت های PDF، EPUB، AZW3، MOBI و یا DJVU می توانید به پشتیبان اطلاع دهید تا فایل مورد نظر را تبدیل نمایند.

توجه داشته باشید کتاب 99 نقشه برای نجات سیاره نسخه زبان اصلی می باشد و کتاب ترجمه شده به فارسی نمی باشد. وبسایت اینترنشنال لایبرری ارائه دهنده کتاب های زبان اصلی می باشد و هیچ گونه کتاب ترجمه شده یا نوشته شده به فارسی را ارائه نمی دهد.

توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب 99 نقشه برای نجات سیاره

کریس پکهام "هولناک و در عین حال خنده دار، شگفت انگیز و در عین حال قابل پیش بینی، ساده و در عین حال تکان دهنده" کتابی تکان دهنده اما آموزنده، چشم نواز و شوخ از نقشه ها که وضعیت خطرناک سیاره ما را به تصویر می کشد. نقشه های این کتاب اغلب تکان دهنده، گاهی اوقات سرگرم کننده و مملو از اطلاعات ضروری هستند: • آیا می دانستید که تنها 67 شرکت در سراسر جهان مسئول 67 درصد انتشار جهانی گلخانه ای هستند؟ • یا اینکه نگهداری از اسب همان ردپای کربنی دارد که یک سفر جاده ای 23500 کیلومتری دارد؟ • آیا می دانستید چند کشور با دانلود پورن از اینترنت انرژی کمتری نسبت به مصرف جهانی مصرف می کنند؟ • آیا می دانید چه مقدار از سطح زمین بتن ریزی شده است؟ • یا چند درخت باید بکاریم تا سیاره خود را از نظر کربن خنثی کنیم؟ 99 نقشه برای نجات سیاره با ارائه انبوهی از تحقیقات علمی و داده های نوآورانه در اینفوگرافیک های خیره کننده و زیبا، عکس های فوری از تخریب محیط زیست را در اختیار ما قرار می دهد. در یک نگاه، می‌توانیم وضعیت مخاطره‌آمیز سیاره خود را ببینیم - اما همچنین متوجه می‌شویم که بهبود آن چقدر آسان است. روشنگر، کمی ترسناک، اما قطعا الهام بخش، 99 Maps برای نجات سیاره نکات عملی در مورد چگونگی نجات سیاره ما ارائه نمی دهد: فقط حقایق را ارائه می دهد. و حقایق گویای خود هستند. وقتی آنها را بشناسیم، چه بهانه ای برای کوتاهی در عمل داریم؟

توضیحاتی درمورد کتاب به خارجی

'Terrifying yet funny, surprising yet predictable, simple yet poignant' Chris Packham A shocking but informative, eye-catching and witty book of maps that illustrate the perilous state of our planet. The maps in this book are often shocking, sometimes amusing, and packed with essential information: • Did you know that just 67 companies worldwide are responsible for 67 per cent of global greenhouse emissions? • Or that keeping a horse has the same carbon footprint as a 23,500-kilometre road trip? • Did you know how many countries use less energy than is consumed globally by downloading porn from the internet? • Do you know how much of the earth's surface has been concreted over? • Or how many trees would we have to plant to make our planet carbon-neutral? Presenting a wealth of innovative scientific research and data in stunning, beautiful infographics, 99 Maps to Save the Planet provides us with instant snapshots of the destruction of our environment. At one glance, we can see the precarious state of our planet - but also realise how easy it would be to improve it Enlightening, a bit frightening, but definitely inspiring, 99 Maps to Save the Planet doesn't provide practical tips on how to save our planet: it just presents the facts. And the facts speak for themselves. Once we know them, what excuse do we have for failing to act?

فهرست مطالب

Have the courage to use your own reason
Active coal-burning power plants
Shark vs man in 2018
Wolves in Europe
How much forest do we need to plant to make the world carbon-neutral?
Reforestation is possible in the green areas
Every third piece of rubbish in the sea is a cigarette butt
Shrinkage of Switzerland’s major glaciers between 1850 and 2010
If all the people in the world stood next to one another, they’d cover an area of 62 x 62 km
How Westerners react to catastrophes in these parts of the world
Keeping a horse has the same impact on the environment as a 23,500-kilometre road trip
The Great Green Wall
The highest and lowest points on Earth and Mars
Numbers of cruise ship passengers keep going up
Annual expenditure per person for cycle paths in Europe
Percentage of forest in national territories
Minimalist maps
Particulate matter (PM) and air quality in 2017
The spread of raccoons and climate change
Minimalist map of Saudi Arabia, showing its rivers
Consumption of resources vs nutritional yield of various animals
The five largest hydroelectric facilities compared to the most productive power plants for other energy types (in electricity generated per day)
Nations that used a higher or lower percentage of renewable energies than the UK in 2018
A quick and easy way to stop smoking
Consumption of substances harmful to the ozone layer
The Forests of Europe
What the world would look like if sea levels rose by 8,800 metres
Trees as national symbols – official and unofficial
European countries that produce fewer greenhouse emissions per head than the UK
Natural catastrophes in 2018 and numbers of people affected
How much tropical forest does the earth lose every year?
How much space per person do different countries require to maintain their typical lifestyle?
Forest growth in Europe
How much progress have various countries made towards fulfilling the Paris Agreement?
What percentage of electricity was produced in Europe by burning coal in 2018?
European cities renamed as those cities whose current temperatures they will experience by 2050
Global energy consumption between 1800 and 2017
The world’s largest island of rubbish is more than five times the size of the British Isles
How much have temperatures risen in European cities since 1960?
Habitats of African elephants
Most common source of electricity in per cent (2017–18)
Countries that produce fewer CO2 emissions than those caused by global Internet porn consumption
How many earths would we need if everyone lived like people in …
Annual CO2 emissions in millions of tonnes by country
Annual CO2 emissions in millions of tonnes per capita
Usage of plastic cups in Europe in 1789
London to New York by car
How much of the earth’s surface has been paved over?
CO2 emissions per litre
Fish removed and rubbish added
Desertec plans for the distribution of renewable energy
Earthquake risk zones and selected earthquakes with high casualties since 1900
Portland’s path to becoming a bicycle city
Human beings account for just 0.01 per cent of the earth’s total biomass …
The ten largest seas by surface area
Annual toilet paper consumption per bottom in kilos
The ten worst maritime oil catastrophes
All the world’s nuclear power plants
Earth Overshoot Day comes earlier every year
Fires visible from satellites in the summer of 2019
Countries renamed as other nations with similar CO2 emissions per capita
70 per cent of global lithium deposits can be found in the orange triangle
How much space would be needed to meet the global fuel demand with biofuel made of micro-algae?
Carpet of algae in the Atlantic gets bigger and bigger
Particulate matter, manmade
An island in a lake on an island in a lake on an island
These 67 companies emitted 67 per cent of all industrial greenhouse gases between 1988 and 2015
Countries with recycling rates of over 50 per cent
Where does our fish come from?
Only 13 per cent of the world’s oceans are untouched areas of nature
Number of cruise-ship dockings in selected ports in 2019
The natural distribution of the coconut tree
Where do the greatest number of bird species have their nesting grounds?
Buying shoes online produces less CO2 than buying them on the high street
If everybody in the world moved to Berlin, the city would be this big
The furthest place from land on earth
The CO2 emissions caused by producing 40 copies of this or any other book is the equivalent of producing one e-book reader
Where did our vegetables originally come from?
Milk production
Nearly half of all environmental crimes in Italy in 2018 were committed in four regions
Investment in rail infrastructure in Europe
Top 10 bottled water drinkers around the world
The Katapult team

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